
여경 영어-17.pdf


2017 여경 영어단어&문장.pdf

정답은 아래

flamboyant                   현란한, 화려한                          impending                    임박한

raucous                       목쉰 소리의, 귀에 거슬리는         anguish                       고통

empathy                       감정 이입                                dilapidate                     황폐한, 초라한

have an itch                  ~하고 싶어 못 견디다                harness                        이용하다

sooth                          달래다, 진정시키다                    preen                          부리로 다듬다

dilatory                       미적거리는, 지체시키는               be liable to                   ~하기 쉽다

cajole                          속이다                                    coat                            덮다

coin                            신조어를 짓다                          make compensations       보상하다

border                         가장자리를 이루다                     indolence                     게으름, 나태함

plastic                         형태를 바꾸기 쉬운,가소성의       plasticity                      적응성

take notes                    메모하다                                 take note of                  주목하다

dismiss                        해체하다, 버리다                       guilt                           죄의식

lament                        슬퍼하다, 비탄하다                    exasperate                    몹시 화나게 하다

foster                          조성하다, 발전시키다                 speculation                   추측


One of the major factors which have contributed to the development of our society is that we have learned to harness some of the sources of energy found in nature. The ability to do this has provided us with machines capable of converting energy taken from natural sources into useful mechanical work, and the possession of such machines is now essential to the maintenance of our civilization. 

Of the two great influences that make humans what they are, heredity and environment, environment is undoubtedly the more powerful.

[of~,]가 문두에 오면, ‘~중에라고 해석


Despite mounting evidence, many people refuse to accept this theory because they equate it with environmental determinism, a theory that claims that climate determines character―for instance, that tropical climates foster indolence.

정답: 11241 / 33341 / 24423 / 34422

국가직 7급 영어문법 모음(인쇄절약용)

국가직 7급 영문법(2016^F2007) 문제.pdf

국가직 7급 영문법(2016^F2007) 문제-정답.pdf

푸는 방법.  번호 마다 ox해 본다- 정답은 틀린 부분 옳게 고침.

<2016>문 6.  The corals are the foundation of an ecosystem ①increasingly damaging by fishing nets, but scientists know ②very little about the ③slow-growing life-forms because they are somewhat difficult ④to reach. 

문 7.  Much of the debate over police drones in the United States ①has been over privacy. However, a new concern has come to light: the threat of hackers. Last year, security researcher Nils Rodday claimed he could take over a drone that ②cost between $30,000 and $35,000 ③used just a laptop and forty dollars' ④ worth of special equipment. 

※ 어법상 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오. [문 8~문 9] 문 8. ① I met a student yesterday in the cafeteria who said she knew you. ② Even though Tim is your friend, he isn't to be trusted with other people's money. ③ We suggest you to take a copy of the final invoice along with your travel documents. ④ Surprisingly, she didn't have any objections to make to the proposal. 

문 9. ① Hardly had the new recruits started training when they were sent into battle. ② Disagreements over the treaty arose among the indigenous peoples of Africa. ③ If I had enough money, I would have bought a fancy yacht. ④ Do you want me to come with you, or do you want to go alone? 

문 10. 우리말을 영어로 가장 잘 옮긴 것은? ① 어떤 교수의 스타일에 적응하는 데는 항상 시간이 좀 걸 린다. →Time always takes little to tune in on a professor's style. ② 나는 마지막 순간까지 기다렸다가 밤 을 새우는 데 익숙해있다. →I'm used to waiting until the last minute and staying up all night. ③ 그 수학 문제는 너무 어려워서 그 학생이 답을 할 수 없었다. →The math question was too tough for the student to answer it. ④ 나는 너무 많은 시간의 힘든 일로 정말 지쳤다. →Too many hours of hard work really tired of me. 

문 11. 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것은? ① 많은 사람들이 아파서 회의가 취소되었다. →With many people ill, the meeting was cancelled. ② 이것은 우리가 예상했던 것만큼 그렇게 간단한 문제는 아니다. →It is not so straightforward a problem as we expected. ③ 학생들이 몇 개의 가방을 가지고 탑승할 건 가요? →How many bags are the students carrying on board with them? ④ 아무런 해명도 없었다. 사과는 말할 것도 없고. →No explanation was offered, still more an apology. 

<2015> 문 1. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? 

As Gandhi stepped ①aboard a train one day, one of his shoes slipped off and landed on the track. He was unable to retrieve it as the train was moving. To the amazement of his companions, Gandhi calmly took off his other shoe and threw it back along the track ②to land close to the first. Asked by a fellow passenger ③why he did so, Gandhi smiled. "The poor man who finds the shoes ④lied on the track," he replied, "will now have a pair he can use." 

문 4. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳은 것은?  Russian military vehicles crossed the border into Ukraine on Thursday, ①prompted a skirmish between Ukrainian and Russian forces, acting Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said. According to Avakov, tanks crossed the border at a checkpoint ②controlled by proRussian separatists in the Luhansk region of eastern Ukraine. Armored vehicles and artillery were part of 

the columns, Avakov said, ③cited Ukrainian intelligence. The incident ④ was occurred in the midst of Ukrainian leaders' campaign of violence against people living in the largely pro-Russian east. 

문 8. 우리말을 영어로 가장 잘 옮긴 것은? ① 이 가벼운 골프 카트는 접어서 내 차량 트렁크에 넣을 수 있다. →This lightweight golf cart will fold and fit in the trunk of my car. ② 아놀드는 새로운 사업 아이디 어들을 가지고 있는 소수의 젊은이들 중 하나이다. →Arnold is one of handful youngsters with ideas for a new business. ③ 교육문제는 사회구성원들의 합의에 바탕을 두어 해결되어야 한다. →Educational problems should solve upon the agreement of the society members. ④ 그 강의 시리즈는 재무 문제를 다루는 데 익숙하지 않은 사람들을 대상으로 한다. →The lecture series are intended for those who are not used to deal with financial issues. 

문 9. 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것은? ① 남에게 의존하지 말고 너 자신이 직접 그것을 하는 것이 중 요하다. →It is important that you do it yourself rather than rely on others. ② 은행 앞에 주차된 내 차가 불법 주차로 인해 견인되었다. →My car, parked in front of the bank, was towed away for illegal parking. ③ 토요일까지 돈을 갚을 수 있다면, 돈을 빌려줄게. →I'll lend you with money provided you will pay me back by Saturday. ④ 만약 태풍이 접근해오지 않았었더라면 그 경기가 열렸을 텐데. →The game might have been played if the typhoon had not been approaching. 

문 15. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 것은? ① Sharks have been looked more or less the same for hundreds of millions of years. ② "They have evolved through time to improve upon the basic model," says John Maisey, a paleontologist who helped identify the fossil. ③ The skeleton supporting this ancient shark's gills is completely different from those of a modern shark's. ④ Previously, many scientists had been believed that shark gills were an ancient system that predated modern fish. 


문 3. 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? ① Two hours from now, the hall will be empty. The concert will have ended. ② The lab test helps identify problems that might otherwise go unnoticed. ③ The police found an old coin which date had become worn and illegible. ④ Tom made so firm a decision that it was no good trying to persuade him. 

※ 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오. [문 4~문 6]  

문 4. The Netherlands now ①becomes the only country in the world to allow the mercy killing of patients, though there are some strict conditions. ②Those who want medical assistance to die ③ must be undergone unbearable suffering. Doctor and patient must also agree there is no hope of remission. And ④a second physician must be consulted. 

문 5. 

①Unable to do anything or go anywhere while my car ②was repairing at my mechanic's garage, I suddenly ③came to the realization that I had become ④overly dependent on machines and gadgets. 

문 6. 

A Civil Service career is your chance ①to begin a journey ②where the things that you accomplish on a daily basis can make a difference in the world. From improving trade opportunities for U.S. businesses, to monitoring human rights issues, ③to providing management supervision, you can use your skills in a Civil Service career to directly impact foreign policy issues or uphold the business practices and processes ④involving in supporting the U.S. Department of State's diplomatic efforts. 

문 13. ① 누가 엿들을까봐 그는 목소리를 낮추었다. → He lowered his voice for fear he should not be overheard. ② 그녀는 그 계획을 계속 따라 갈 사람이 결코 아닐 것이다. → She would be the last person to go along with the plan. ③ 고위 간부들은 일등석으로 여행할 자격이 있다. → Top executives are entitled to first class travel. ④ 일하는 것과 돈 버는 것은 별개의 것이다. → To work is one thing, and to make money is another. 

문 14. ① 그녀는 가족과 함께 있을 때 가장 행복하다. → She is happiest when she is with her family. ② 사고 후 그는 왼손을 사용하는 데 익숙해지고 있었다. → He was getting accustomed to using his left hand after the accident. ③ 내 급우들 중 3분의 2가 졸업 후 직장을 알아볼 예정이다. → Two thirds of my classmates are going to look for jobs after graduation. ④ 책임감이 그로 하여금 결국 자신을 희생하 게 한 위험한 일을 맡도록 재촉하였다. → His sense of responsibility urged him to undertake the dangerous task which he eventually sacrificed himself. 

문 15. ① 21세기 말까지 과학이 얼마나 발전할지 알 수 없다. → There is no knowing how far science may progress by the end of the twenty first century. ② 하등 동물은 그 조건 하에서 생존하기 위해 신체 적 구조를 바꾸지 않을 수 없다. → The lower animals must have their bodily structure modified in order to be survived under the conditions. ③ 지갑에 돈이 없었기 때문에 그는 10 킬로미터 이상을 걸어가지 않을 수 없었다. → Having no money in his wallet, he had no choice but to walk more than ten kilometers. ④ 그녀는 약간 모호하게나마 빠른 시간 안에 부채를 상환할 것이라는 취지의 말을 하였다. → She was a little vague but said something to the effect that she would repay the loan very soon. 


문 1. 밑줄 친 부분에 주어진 동사의 올바른 형태들로 묶인 것은? 

The moral wisdom of the Black community is extremely useful in ㉠defy oppressive rules or standards of "law and order" that degrade Blacks. It helps Blacks purge themselves of self-hate, thus ㉡assert their own validity. 

① defying /asserted ② defying /asserting ③ defied /asserting ④ defied /asserted 

※ 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? [문 2~문 3] 

문 2. Eli Broad, the billionaire financier and philanthropist, ①who has private collection of some 2,000 works of modern and contemporary art is one of the most sought-after by museums ② nationwide, has decided ③ to retain permanent control of his works in an independent foundation that ④makes loans to museums rather than give any of the art away. 

문 3. A final way to organize an essay is to ① proceeding from relatively simple concepts to more complex ones. By starting with generally ② accepted evidence, you establish rapport with your readers and assure them that the essay is ③ firmly grounded in shared experience. In contrast, if you open with difficult material, you risk ④confusing your audience. 

문 4. 어법상 옳은 것은? 

①  The elite campus-based programs which he will be taking it next semester are scheduled to be extremely difficult. 

②  That happens in a particular period does not have any significant effects on the long-term investors in the stock market. 

③  The newly built conference room, though equipped with more advanced facilities, accommodates fewer people than the old one. 

④  With such a diverse variety of economical appliances to choose from, it's important to decide what it is best. 

문 8. 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은? ① 우리가 공항에 도착할 무렵, 비행기는 이미 이륙했다. →By the time we had arrived at the airport, the flight already took off. ② 당신이 바쁘지 않으면 오늘 저녁에 당신 집에 들르겠다. →I'll drop by your place this evening lest you should be busy. ③ 그녀가 콘서트에 왔 었다면 좋아했을 것이다. →Had she come to the concert, she would have enjoyed it. ④ 그는 의사로서 자 질이 없다. →He is cut out to be a doctor. 

문 9. 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것은? ① 그는 빚을 갚고 나니 먹고 살아갈 수가 없게 되었다. →The payment of his debts left him nothing to live on. ② 사람의 가치는 재산보다도 오히려 인격에 있다. →A person's value lies not so much in what he is as in what he has. ③ 나이를 먹음에 따라, 이 속담의 의미 를 분명히 알게 될 것이다. →As you grow older, you will come to realize the meaning of this saying clearly. ④ 그들은 물이 부족했으므로 가능한 적게 마셨다. →They were short of water, so that they drank as little as possible. 

문 10. 다음 우리말을 영어로 가장 잘 옮긴 것은? 

나는 불가피한 사정으로 그 일을 착수할 수밖에 없었다. 

① I could not undertake the work because of unavoidable circumstances. ② I could avoid the circumstances, but I did not undertake the work. ③ Unavoidable circumstances prevented me from setting about the work. ④ Unavoidable circumstances led me to set about the work. 


문 4. Each contestant will sing with a different partner each week, and judges, who have not yet __________, will offer guidance and critiques while deciding who will advance to the next round. 

①  named ② naming ③ been named ④ been naming 

문 5.  They speak openly about their life at home, hopes for the future, how they got through the past year, and ___________ they plan to honour the memory of their Wildlife Warrior. 

① that ② how ③ as if ④ as 

※ 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오. [문 6~문 7] 문 6. When the Dalai Lama fled across ①the Himalayas into exile in the face of ②advancing Chinese troops, ③little did the youthful spiritual leader know ④ what he might never see his Tibetan homeland again. 

문 7. 

Any manager of a group that wants to achieve a meaningful level of acceptance and commitment to ① a planned change must present the rationale for the contemplated change as ②clear as possible and provide opportunities for discussion ③to clarify consequences for those who will ④be affected by the change. 

문 10. ① 그렇게 하느니 차라리 하지 않는 것이 좋다. → You would be better not to do it at all than to do it that way. ② 그는 새로운 정책이 모든 노동자들을 위해 이행되어야 한다고 제안했다. → He suggested that the new policy be implemented for all workers. ③ 너의 꿈을 추구하기 위해 학위를 가져 야 할 필요는 없다. → You don't have to have a degree to pursue your dream. ④ 전 세계에서 Bolt보다 빠른 사람은 없다. → No other man is faster than Bolt in the whole world. 

문 11. ① 예의상 나는 그녀의 제안을 거절할 수 없었다. → For courtesy's sake I couldn't but refuse her offer. ② 몸무게 증가가 이 치료법의 또 다른 부작용이다. → Weight gain is another side effect of this treatment. ③ 그 책이 있었다면, 너에게 빌려줄 수 있었을 텐데. → Had I had the book, I could have lent it to you. ④ 사람들은 공공장소에서의 흡연자들을 덜 용인하고 있다. → People are less tolerant of smokers in public places. 

문 12. 다음 우리말을 영어로 가장 잘 옮긴 것은? Thomas Edison은 “계속해서 노력하는 한 실패는 없다” 라는 말을 믿었고, 한 가지 실험에 성공하기까지 수백 번의 실패를 거듭했다. ① Thomas Edison believed, “There is no failure by you fail to keep trying,” and he experienced hundreds of failed experiments for each success. ② Thomas Edison believed, “There is no failure by you fail to keep trying,” and he experienced hundreds failed experiments for each success. ③ Thomas Edison believed, “There is no failure until you fail to keep trying,” and he experienced hundreds failed experiments for each success. ④ Thomas Edison believed, “There is no failure until you fail to keep trying,” and he experienced hundreds of failed experiments for each success. 


문 4. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? 

A few weeks earlier I had awoken just after dawn to find the bed beside me ①empty. I got up and found Jenny sitting in her bathrobe at the glass table on the screened porch of our little bungalow, bent over the newspaper with a pen in her hand. There was ②nothing unusual about the scene. Not only ③were the Palm Beach Post our local paper, it was also the source of half of our household income. We were a 

two-newspapercareer couple. Jenny worked as a feature writer in the Post's “Accent” section; I was a news reporter at the ④competing paper in the area, the South Florida SunSentinel, based an hour south in Fort Lauderdale. 

문 5. 다음 중 문법적으로 옳지 않은 것은? ① Housewives came to count on certain brands of goods, which advertisers never allowed them to forget. ② It is not true that prosperity must be equated with ‘gentle’ inflation⎯whatever that means. ③ The child sits quietly, schooled by the hazards to which he has been earlier exposed. ④ The premature aged wife was coming to be the exception rather than the rule. 

문 7. ① 그는 제 나이로 보이기 시작한다. → He is beginning to look his age. ② 강도가 문을 열려고 할 때 경보장치가 울렸다. → The alarm went off when the burglar tried to open the door. ③ 그것은 볼품은 없지만 편하다. → It's not much to look but it's comfortable. ④ 간단명료하게 말하자면, 이것은 시간 낭 비이다. → To put it in a nutshell, this is a waste of time. 

문 8. ① 너는 내일까지 출발을 연기하는 편이 좋겠다. → You'd better delay your departure until tomorrow. ② 내 딸은 아직 학교에 갈 나이가 안 되었다. → My daughter is not yet old enough to go to school. ③ 너를 더 자주 만났으면 좋겠다. → I hope to see more of you. ④ 내가 집을 나서자마자 비가 오기 시작했 다. → I had hardly left home than it began to rain. 

문 9. 주어진 우리말을 영어로 가장 잘 옮긴 것은? 

내가 처음 결혼했을 때를 돌이켜 보면, 정말 많은 실수를 했다고 생각해. 

① To think back to when I was first married, I realize that I made a lot of mistakes. ② To think back to when I first married, I realize that I have made a lot of mistake. ③ Thinking back to when I was first married, I realize that I made a lot of mistakes. ④ Thinking back to when I first married, I realize that I have made a lot of mistake. 


문 14. 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? 

① I want to have a beer. 

② Are all the cattle in? 

③ I need an advice for my business. 

④ I really need some money. 

※ 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오. [문 15∼문 17] 

문 15. Your memory is a brilliant but unreliable computer storing a vast amount of information. In fact, the memory’s capacity ①is theoretically unlimited. The brain can record more than 86 billion bits of information every day, and our memories ②can probably hold 100 trillion bits in a lifetime. Nevertheless, only about 20 percent of our daily experience ③is registered, and of that only a tiny proportion ④loads into long-term memory. 

문 16.  Though ①admiring critics speak of him sometimes as ②“manly” or ③ “courageously,” he is actually timid almost to the point of burlesque ─the anti-type of the ④foolhardy Tom.   

문 17.  Bananas contain resistant starch which research ①shows ②block conversion of some carbohydrates into fuel, ③boosting fat burning by ④forcing your body to rely on fat stores instead ─a sure aid to sustainable weight loss. 


※ 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것을 고르시오. [문 18∼문 19] 

문 18. ① 경찰은 그 문서들을 찾기 위해 가택 수색을 했다.→ The police searched the documents in the house. 

②우리가 돈을 낭비하고 있다는 것은 지나친 말입니다.→ It’s too much to say we are wasting money. 

③이 사고로 인한 손해는 모두 당신이 보상한다고 약속해주십시오.→ I want you to promise to compensate me for all the damage caused by this accident. 

④ 당신은 요점에서 벗어나고 있습니다.→ You are straying from the point. 

문 19. ① 그는 여행하는 동안 어디에서 머물지 결정하지 않았다.→ He hasn’t decided where to stay during his trip. 

② 그녀는 살을 빼기 위해 점점 더 적게 먹기 시작했다.→ She started to eat less and less to lose weight. 

③ 민지네 가족은 벌써 파리로 이사갔니?→ Has Minji’s family moved to Paris yet? 

④ 우리가 지금 방학 중이라면 좋을 텐데.→ I wish that we are on vacation now. 

문 20. 주어진 우리말을 영어로 가장 잘 옮긴 것은? 

과거에는 사업가들이 새로운 회사를 시작하기 위해서 자본을 필요로 할 때 두드릴 문이 별로 없었다. 

①  In the past, entrepreneurs had few doors to knock on if they needed capital to start a new company. 

②  In the past, entrepreneurs have had a few doors to knock on if they needed capital to start a new company.  

③ In the past, entrepreneurs had a few doors to knock when they had needed capital to start a new company. 

④ In the past, entrepreneurs have had few doors to knock when they had needed capital to start a new company. 


문 1. Founded in 1960 to gain greater control over the price of oil, ___________ the main Arabic oilproducing countries. 

①OPEC consists of ② OPEC which consists of ③ what OPEC consists of ④ which OPEC consisting of 

문 2. Carefully produced, ____________ , a newsletter can vary the usual pace of information delivery and promote dialogue, involvement, and loyalty. 

① while the needs and interests of those contacting in mind ② and the needs and interests of those contact in mind ③ the needs and interests of those contact in mind ④ with the needs and interests of those being contacted in mind 

문 8. ① 대학은 학생들이 수강신청을 좀 더 쉽게 할 수 있도록 해줘야 한다 . → The university should make it easier for students to register for classes. ② 부모는 자녀들에게 낯선 사람과 이야기하지 말라고 항상 가르쳐 왔다. → Parents have always taught their children not to talk to strangers. ③ ‘해리포터’의 엄 청난 수치에도 불구하고, 일부 분석가들은 그것이 ‘타이타닉’을 대적하지 못할 것이라고 전망했다. → Despite of Harry Potter 's tremendous figures, some analysts predicted they could not match The Titanic . ④ 나는 시장에서 지갑 도둑들을 조심하라고 들었다. → I was told to watch out for purse thieves at the market. 

문 9. ① 그 방법이 통하지 않았기 때문에 나는 학생들에게 나를 따라 반복하도록 했다. → As the method didn't work, I had the students repeat after me. ② 당신이 필요로 하지 않는 물건을 구입하는 것 은 단지 돈 낭비일 뿐이다. → It is just a waste of money buying things you can dispense without. ③ 조 난선 승무원들은 해안 경비대와 연락을 시도하려고 애를 썼다. → The crew of the wrecked ship tried to get through to the coast guard. ④ 경제가 바닥을 쳤으므로 지금부터 경제가 호전될 것이라고 기대할 수 있다. → The economy hit bottom, so we can expect it will improve from now on. 

문 10. ① 나는 딸이 여섯 살일 때 나눗셈을 가르쳤다. → I taught my daughter how to do division at the age of six. ② 복면을 쓴 강도들이 쳐들어와서 8,000달러를 가지고 도망쳤다. → Mask robbers broke off and ran away with $8,000. ③ 회사를 지배하려고 한 그의 노력은 실패했다. → He failed in his attempt to take control of the company. ④ 그 식당은 매우 인기가 있으니 미리 예약을 하렴. → Do book ahead as the restaurant is very popular. 

문 15. 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법적으로 옳지 않은 것은? 

What you will probably not be able to do is ①to arrive at a single, unified, objective, literal ②understanding of that subject matter that ③do full justice to all aspects of the concept. The study of time, even within the limits of the metaphorical concepts we have, is ④ an enormously useful enterprise. 

문 16. 다음 중 문법적으로 옳지 않은 것은? ① Had the computer parts been delivered earlier, we could have been able to complete the project on time. ② In spite of the fact that he is generally sincere and honest, the head is not likely to forgive his fault this time. ③ The maintenance team has completely upgraded our system's software, but whether it protects us from these new computer viruses is another matter. ④ His forecasts of the economy are much more positive than that of many analysts, who fear the country is going into a recession. 


문  1. ① Do you think who the speaker is? ② Do you realize how far is it to Hawaii? ③ I'm having a real problem figuring out that I want. ④ If he had not died in the war, he would be forty now. 

문  2. ① If a man you met the night before and made the worst impression on you loses no time in telephoning you the very next morning, be as busy as possible. ② When I take into consideration all the factors involved, I have neither the inclination nor the insensitivity to interfere. ③ There are usually more men in your life whom you would like to get rid of as those whom you are dying to meet. ④ If you don't mind impolite, you can even say that you have to write a letter or take the dog for a walk. 

※ 어법 상 가장 어색한 것을 고르시오. [문 3~문 4] 문  3. ① Who that is rich could do such a stingy thing? ② Every person at the meeting is fond of the idea. ③ Tom was seen to come out of the room by them. ④ My husband has been busy to work out his project. 

문  4. 

It seems to me that I can ①hardly pick up a magazine nowadays ②without encountering someone's views on our colleges. ③Most of the writer are critical; they contend that the colleges are not doing a good job, and they question the value of a college education. ④ Less often, a champion arises to argue that a college degree is worthwhile. 

문  9. ① 우리는 결혼한 지 10년 되었다. → It is 10 years since we got married.  

② 그녀는 분수에 넘치는 생활을 하고 있다.→ She is living beyond her means. 

③ 자신의 가정을 사랑하지 않는 사람이 누가 있겠는가?→ Who is there but loves his own home? 

④ 이것은 깨지기 쉬우니 깨뜨리지 않도록 조심해라.→ Since this is fragile, be careful lest you should not break it. 

문 10. ① 어머니는 지갑을 잃어버렸기 때문에 그날 내내 기분이 언짢으셨다. 

→ All that day my mother was out of bad humor as she lost her wallet. 

①  이 책은 지구 온난화의 결과로 일어날 것 같은 기후 변화들에 대해서 주로 다루고 있다. 

→ This book is mainly concerned with climate changes that are likely to take place as a result of global  


③ 길모퉁이에 우연히도 경찰관이 있어서, 나는 그에게 길을 물어볼 수 있었다. 

→ There happened to be a policeman on the corner, so I could ask him the way. 

④ 그가 직면한 임무는 그의 선임자가 직면했던 것과 다르지 않다. 

→ The task which confronts him is not different from that which faced his predecessor. 


문 1. 문법적으로 옳지 않은 것은? ① She runs on average 15 miles a day, whatever the circumstances, whatever the weather. ② Everybody who goes into this region, whomever they are, is at risk of being taken hostage. ③ He moved carefully over what remained of partition walls. ④ Whichever fitness classes you opt for, trained instructors are there to help you. 

문 2. 문법적으로 옳은 것은? ① Bush was elected the President of the United States. ② He caught me by my arm. ③ It has passed three years since my father died. ④ The concert is on channel 6 live from Carnegie Hall. 

※ 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오. [문 3~문 4] 문 3. Needless to say, it is a privilege to ①address to such a prominent audience like you all. I came back home for the first time in ten years simply for this presentation. I could not escape from my duty to present a detailed report to you, significant opinion leaders of our society, ②any more than I ③could escape from my duty to ④persevere in what I have been doing abroad. 

문 4. Now, however, ①the energy risks so apparent in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina have created both the urgency and the political opportunity ②for the nation's leaders to respond appropriately. The government must ③capitalize on the end of the era of perpetually cheap gas, and it must do so ④in a way such that makes America less vulnerable to all manner of threats. 

문 8. 다음 우리말을 영어로 가장 잘 옮긴 것은? 

대부분의 사람들이 생각하는 것과는 달리, 한국 사람들이 미국비자를 받기는 그다지 어렵지 않다. 

① It is not very hard for Koreans' obtaining a U.S. visa, against most people believe. ② Unlike what most people believe, it is not very tough for Koreans to obtain a U.S. visa. ③ Contrary with most people's beliefs, getting a U.S. visa is not very hard for Koreans to obtain. ④ Koreans are not very difficult whether they obtain a U.S. visa, as opposed to most people's thinking. 

문 9. 다음 중 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것은? ① 그는 머리가 둔하다기보다는 교육을 받지 못했다. → He is not so much unintelligent as uneducated. ② 그가 배움을 갖기에 너무 늙은 것은 아니다. → He is not too old to learn. ③ 지금쯤 잠자리에 들었어야 할 시간이다. → It is time you went to bed. ④ 그는 우 리에게 했던 무례한 행동으로 후회하고 있다. → He is regrettable for his rude behavior to us. 

문 11.밑줄 친 ㉠, ㉡에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? A: So what exactly did you do over the summer? B: We worked as volunteers at Glacier National Park. A: I've never been there. What's it ㉠ ? B: It's beautiful. There are mountains and lakes, animals . . . and, of course, glaciers! A: Wow! That ㉡ sound exciting. Maybe I should apply. ㉠ ㉡ ① look does ② like does ③ look did ④ like certainly 


★If 구문

일반론: if는 문장의 앞뒤 와도 상관없음. (앞에 올 경우 거의 컴마(,) 사용)

사용 3가지

1.     ~인지 아닌지

Ask John if he’s staying tonight.

I don’t know if I will be ready in time. (간접의문문일 때에는 will 사용)


14. 우리말을 영어로 가장 잘 옮긴 것은? 

① 나는 이 집으로 이사 온 지 3년이 되었다. →It was three years since I moved to this house. 

② 우리는 해가 지기 전에 그 도시에 도착해야 한다. →We must arrive in the city before the sun will set. 

③ 나는 그녀가 오늘 밤까지 그 일을 끝마칠지 궁금하다. →I wonder if she finishes the work by tonight. 

④ 그는 실수하기는 했지만, 좋은 선생님으로 존경받을 수 있었다. →Although making a mistake, he could be respected as a good teacher.

정답:④ (주어 같을 경우 생략가능, 동사 ->~ing)// ①(was -> has been) ②(will set->set) ③ (she finishes -> she will finish)

2.     조건 (시간과 조건의 부사절은 미래를 나타낼 때 현재를 사용)

If you get here before night, we can catch the early train.

If John didn’t come to work yesterday, he was probably ill.

I’ll give her your love if I see her.


3.     가정법 (wish도 마찬가지로 생각), (wouldif절에 거의 쓰이지 않는다)

가정법 무슨 시제하면, if절에 오는 시제라고 생각하고, 주절은 조동사의 형태 변화를 생각. (가정법 미래 제외)

가정법 과거와 과거완료, were to는 불가능한 상황을 가정할 때 사용.


1) 가정법 현재 : 현재나 미래에 가능한 상황을 나타낼 때 사용.

 If S(주어) + 현재, S + 조동사(will, can, may)

 If you study hard, you will pass the exam.


If S + 현재, S + 현재 : 일반적인 사실을 말할 때 사용.

If you heat the water to 100 degrees, it boils.


2) 가정법 과거 : 현재나 미래에 불가능한 상황을 나타낼 때 사용. (시제는 과거지만 의미는 현재)

 If S(주어) + 과거, S + 조동사의 과거형(would, should, could, might)

If I knew her name, I would tell you. (현재 모른다는 의미)

What would you do if you lost your job? (많이 쓰이는 일상 표현)

If I were rich, I would spend all my time travelling.(were, was 둘 다 상관없음)


주어가 I, we의 경우 should 사용가능. 의미 would 동일(현대에서는 잘 쓰이지 않지만 참고)

If I knew her name, I should(=would) tell you.

If I married you, we should(=would) both be happy.


could(=would be able to), might(=would possibly) 을 쓸 경우,  가능했었을 텐데’, ‘아마 그랬을 텐데의미를 띨 때 사용

She could get a better job if she could speak Korean.  (she could get= she would be able to get)


3) 가정법 과거 완료 : 과거에 불가능했던 과거 상황을 표현할 때 사용. 그 이외에 가정법과거와  논리 비슷)

 If  S + 과거 완료(had p.p), S + would/might/could have p.p

I didn't see you when you passed me in the street. If I'd seen you, of course I would have said hello.

If you had worked harder, you would have passed your exam.

If he’d run a bit faster, he could have won.


가정법 과거와 과거 완료 비교

I'm not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something. (현재)

I wasn't hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something. (과거)


4) 가정법 미래: 사실 가정법 미래는 가정법 과거와 과거 완료의 의미를 생각해 보면 논리상 맞지 않음(과거, 과거 완료 논리라면 가정법 미래는 미래보다 더 미래에서 후회하는 의미를 나타내야 함) 다만, 우리나라에서 편의상 구분함.

가정법 미래는 미래에 일어나기 힘든 일을 나타낼 때 표현.

(1)   If  S + should/ happen to  : 가능성이 희박하지만 일어날 수 있는 상황을 표현.

If you happen to be in our area, drop in and see us.

If he should be late, we’ll have to start without him.

(2)   If  S + were to + 동사 : 가능성이 희박하여 불가능한 일을 표현

If the technology were to become available, we could be able to expand the business.

know, belong, doubt, enjoy, like, remember, understand (상태를 나타내는 (의미)동사) 일 때에는 were to 사용 불가

If I were to know they were honest, I’d gladly lend them the money. (X)

-> If I knew they were honest, I’d gladly lend them the money.



 명칭:if절의 시제에 따라

If 절



 가정법 현재


 조동사, 일반동사


 가정법 과거

 과거 동사

 조동사 과거형

 불가능한 일

 가정법 과거완료

 과거 완료

 조동사 과거완료형

 불가능한 일

 가정법 미래


 조동사, 일반동사


 가정법 미래 *were to

 보통 would

 불가능한 일

If ~ will 사용

 주절의 결과를 나타낼 경우

I’ll give you $50 if I win the lottery. 나는 50달러를 줄 꺼야/ 내가 복권에 당첨된다면

 (복권이 먼저 당첨되야 50달러를 줄 수 있다)

I’ll give you $50 if it’ll help you to go on holiday. 나는 50달러를 줄 꺼야/ 50달러가 당신이 휴가가 데 도움이 된다면 (50달러를 줌으로써 그 결과 휴가 가는 데 도움이 준다)

이 외에도 다양한 용법과 쓰임새가 있으나, 이 정도만 해도 적당하다 (but 혼합가정법 공부 필요)

※가정법 도치

2018/08/31 - [영어공부/영어 일반 & 영어단어] - 영어 도치 구문(부정어 도치, 장소부사구 도치, 가정법 도치)

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