★count on ~에 달려있다, 믿다 


*(주로 3형식)세다

The teachers counted the students as they got on to the bus.

 선생님들이 학생들을 세었다/ 학생들이 버스에 탔을 때

*(1형식) 중요하다

My opinion doesn't count for anything around here (= no one values my opinion).

(주로 5형식) 고려하다

 He counted it, all things considered, the happiest part of his life. 

그는 이것을 고려한다/ 모든 것을 고려하더라도, / 가장 그의 삶에서 행복했던 부분으로

★concentrate on ~에 집중하다

I can't concentrate on my work with all that noise.

★depend on ~에 달려있다, ~을 믿다

The country depends heavily on foreign aid.

depend on 목적어 to부정사

We're depending on you to find a solution soon.

★rely on ~에 달려있다

 I'm relying on the garage to fix the car by tomorrow.

★focus on ~에 집중하다  

 Tonight’s program focuses on homelessness.

★insist on ~을 고집하다, 주장하다

Jack insisted on Clark wearing a suit to the party.

※insist that 의 경우 that 이하의 문장이 당위성을 나타낼 경우 (should) 원형을 취해야 함.

장관은 교통문제를 해결하기 위해 강 위에 다리를 건설해야 한다고 주장했다. →The minister insisted that a bridge be constructed over the river to solve the traffic problem.

Even before Mr. Kay announced his movement to another company, the manager insisted that we begin advertising for a new accountant.

cf. Greg still insists that he did nothing wrong.

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