What became clear by the 1980s, however, as preparations were made for the ‘Quincentenary Jubilee’, was that many Americans found it hard, if not impossible, to see the anniversary as a ‘jubilee’. There was nothing to celebrate the legacy of Columbus. <2015서울시9급-15번>

quincentenary 500주년

jubilee 기념일(제)

make preparation for ~ 준비를 하다

see A as B : A를 B로 간주하다

legacy 유산

harbinger (of~) :  징조, 조짐

exploitation 착취

reckless 무모한; 난폭한

slavery 노예; 노예 제도

What became clear by the 1980s,/ however, as preparations were made for the ‘Quincentenary Jubilee’, /was that many Americans found it hard, /if not impossible,/ to see the anniversary as a ‘jubilee’. /There was nothing /to celebrate the legacy of Columbus. 


1980년대쯤 명백하게 된 것은 / 그러나/ ‘500주년 기념일을 준비했을 때/ 많은 미국인들은 이것을 어렵다고 생각했었다/ 가능하지만/ 기념일을 기념일로서 보는 것을/ 콜롬버스의 유산을 축하하는 일은 없었다/

however 삽입,  컴마 as 컴마 부사절 때문에 해석 시 다소 헷갈릴 수 있다. 보기 편하게 만들면

As preparations were made for the ‘Quincentenary Jubilee’, what became clear by the 1980s was that many Americans found it hard, if not impossible, to see the anniversary as a ‘jubilee’. There was nothing to celebrate the legacy of Columbus.     이 문장의 주어는 what~by the 1980s, 동사는 was

 또한 if 절 안에 부정 부정이 두 번 나와서 한 번에 매끄럽게 해석하는 데 어려움이 있을 수 있었다.
find it O + toR 구문

According to many of his critics,/ Columbus had been the harbinger/ not of progress and civilization,/ but of slavery and the reckless exploitation of the environment.

 많은 그의 비평가들에 따르면/ 콜롬버스는 징조였었다/ 진보와 문명이 아니라/ 노예 제도와 무자비한 환경 착취의/

not A but B 구문

'영어공부 > daily sentence' 카테고리의 다른 글

range from A to B  (1) 2018.06.23
keep A from B  (0) 2018.06.12
recast  (0) 2018.06.12
what vs. that의 차이  (0) 2018.03.14
(공무원)2017년도 지방직 9급 기출문제 변형 & 실전문제-정답  (0) 2018.02.21

Meteors range in size from that of a pinhead to huge objects weighing many tons, which are visible to the naked eye at night.  <기상청9급-19번>

Meteors range in size/ from that of a pinhead /to huge objects /weighing many tons, /which are /visible to the naked eye/ at night.

 유성은 사이즈의 범이가 ~이다/ 핀 헤드 사이즈부터/. 큰 물체까지 . 수 톤이 나가는/ 이것(유성)/ 육안으로 볼 수 있다/ 밤에

meteor 유성
pinhead 핀의 머리

range from A to B : 범위가 A에서 B이다.

visible 보이는, 알아 볼 수 있는

☆중요 다의어☆

weigh  1번 뜻을 중심으로 생각

 1) 무게가 ~이다        2)저울질 하다; 고려하다 3) 영향을 끼치다

weigh the consequences 결과를 신중히 고려하다

You must weigh up the pros and cons. 

His past record weighs heavily against him. 

The compulsive overachievement of today’s elite college students—the sense that they need to keep running as fast as they can—is not the only thing that keeps them from forming the deeper relationships that might relieve their anguish.

The compulsive overachievement /of today’s elite college students/—the sense that/ they need to keep running/ as fast as they can—/is not the only thing /that keeps them/ from forming /the deeper relationships /that might relieve their anguish.

  강박적인 과성취는/ 오늘날 엘리트 학생들의/ (앞의 강박적인 과성취 설명) 감각은/ 그들이 계속 필요가 있도록 한다/ 그들이 있을 만큼 빠르게/ 유일한 것이 아니다/ 그들을 가로막는/ 형성하는 것으로 부터/ 더욱 깊은 관계를/ 그들의 고통을 경감시킬지 모르는/

the only ~: 유일한 ~

keep A from B : A B 하지 하게 하다 = stop A from B, prevent A from B

relieve : 경감시키다

 cf: take A for B : A를 B로 착각하다

     talk A into B : A를 B하도록 설득하다

     talk A out of B : A를 B하지 않도록 설득하다

With the rise of Darwinian theory, explanations were recast in terms of natural selection and of evolutionary descent. 

With the rise of Darwinian theory, /explanations were recast /in terms of natural selection /and of evolutionary descent./

 다윈 이론의 상승(성공)에 따라,         설명은  다시 구성되었다/ 자연 선택과 관련하여그리고 진화적 혈통(?)과 관련하여

rise: 상승, 증가; 성공, 출세; 오르막

recast: 재구성하다, 다르게 제시하다 (recast - recast - recast)

natural selection : 자연 선택

evolutionary: 진화적인

 descent:  내려오기, 하강; 내리막; 혈통, 가문

문제에서 whatthat 의 차이와 'that'의 구분

1.    선행사 포함 유무에 따른 관계대명사(뒤에 불완전절) 구분 <<쉬움

2.    관계대명사인지 vs. ‘명사절을 이끄는 that절의 that’인지 구 분:

that절 이하가 완전절인지 불완전절인

문제를 풀어 보면서 확인 한다. + 문장이 완전절인지 불완전절인지 구분하는 방법

 즉, what은 선행사를 포함하고, that은 선행사가 있어야 한다. 그러나 둘 다 관계대명사 절은 불완전절이 온다.


what 해석 (~하는 것)


1. I don't want to know ______ he said.

2.  Anything _______ she says is bound to be rubbish

3. I thought ________ you wanted to go to University.

4.  ____ they did next came as a surprise to us all.    

5. I liked the first part, but everything else ____ they did was dreadful.

6.  I was amazed by the things ____ we heard.

7. Everything ____ happened was new to me.

8.  Some things _______ occurred were predictable.

9.  She is certain ______ she saw her cousin last night.

10.  _________ I want is more freedom.

11. She doesn't understand _________ is going on.

12. She doesn't understand _________ her mother is manipulating her.

13.  _________ the teacher said didn't make sense.

14. My father thinks __________ respect is a core strength.

15. My father thinks __________ he wants.

16. They'll tell you anything ________ they think you want to hear.

17. No one was expecting ____ came next.

18. It's ____ I had hoped for.

19. It's just ____ I was looking for.

20. I could not believe ________ he was saying.


It’s not just used-car salesman that we don’t believe anymore. We want and need ironclad agreements that [that/what] we buy won’t fail us months or even days after our purchase. Certification is an official (usually written) guarantee [that/what] [that/what] we see is in fact [that/what] you get, and that it upholds a higher level of quality and reliability.  – 17국회88-

Certification Not Warranty is [that/What] Matters

If you understand your needs and know [that/what] can happen on the road, you’ll be ready to productively travel with your computers.

So she drew her mom a word picture of [that/what] videography would be like indoors: the bright, hot strobe lights, the cameras in people’s faces, the often poor quality compared to a top still photographer’s. –17국회813-

give(=paint) a world picture of  말로 ... 묘사하다.

draw[paint] a picture 설명하다

Do I have to draw you a picture?


If we accept the notion [what/that] muscle activity enhances memory, it then makes sense [what/that] certain physical postures may call up particular emotions.

I’m not in an angry mood, but I found my thoughts wandering to things [what/that] made me angry.”


Moreover, students learned little about the less savory aspects of American history, many of [that/which] involved the use of force to create a strict racial hierarchy that persists to this day, albeit in modified form.


1. what -선행사 X

2. that - 선행사 -anything

3. that - 완전절

4. what  (그들이 다음에 하는 것은 우리 모두에서 놀라움으로 다가왔다)

5. that

6. that

7. that

8. that

9. that

10. what

11. what

12. that

13. what

14. that

15. what

16. that

17. what

18. what

19. what

20. what 

(what, that, what, what)/ what/ what/ what/ that/ that/ that/ which


2018/02/19 - [과목별 /영어 문제] - (공무원)2017년도 지방직 9급 기출문제 변형 & 실전문제


2017년도 지방직 9급 기출문제 변형 & 실전문제


2017 지방직 9급 영어 문법 기출문제 변형 및 실전문제.pdf


2018/02/21 - [과목별 /영어 문제] - (공무원)2017년도 지방직 9급 기출문제 변형 & 실전문제-정답

★주로 문법

-sentence & exercise- 밑줄 친 부분 중 맞은 것을 고르시오. Or 틀린 것을 고치시오.

[2017지방-8] Because those soil erosion rates are so much higher than soil formation rates, [which/that] means a net. 

For instance, about half of the top soil of Iowa, the state whose agriculture productivity is among the highest in the U.S., [have/has] been eroded in the last 150 years. 

A church was built there in the middle of farmland [for/during] the 19th century and [was maintained/has been maintained] continuously as a church ever since, while the land around it was being farmed. 


국회직 변형 연습 문제

문법 & 빈칸채우기

난이도: 상

hard exercise.pdf


hard exercise 정답.pdf

직접 만든 문제이니 풀펌XX

[16년 국회직8급-22]

In one early study featuring Donald as the stimulus, students participated in [that/what] they thought were two unrelated experiments. In the first, they were shown a number of trait words [projecting/projected] on a screen as part of a perception experiment. Half of the participants [was/were] shown the words adventurous, self-confident, independent, and persistent embedded in a set of ten traits. The other half were shown the words reckless, conceited, aloof, and stubborn. After completing the “perception” experiment, the participants moved on to the second study on “reading comprehension,” in which they read the short paragraph about Donald and rated him on a number of trait scales. The paragraph is intentionally ambiguous about whether Donald is an adventurous, appealing sort or a reckless, unappealing person. The investigators interested in whether the words that participants encountered in the first experiment would lead them to apply different schemas and thus affect their evaluations of Donald. As the investigators expected, participants who had previously been exposed to the words adventurous, self-confident, independent, and persistent formed more favorable impressions of Donald than did those who had been exposed to the less flattering words. [채우시오], participants’ schemas about traits like adventurousness and recklessness influenced the kind of inferences they made about Donald. The broader point is that information stored in the brain can influence [how does people construe new information/how people construe new information]. This is most likely to occur when the stimulus, like many of Donald’s actions [are/is] ambiguous. In such cases, we must rely more heavily on topdown processes to compensate for the inadequacies of the information obtained from the bottom up.


첫번째 문제 마지막에서 5번째 줄 The broader point is that

2018/02/19 - [과목별 /영어] - the point is that~ (구문)


Q. []을 고르고, 밑줄 친 부분 중 틀린 것을 고르시오. 

The gauchos, [skilling/skilled] cattlemen of the grassy Argentine plains, are widely known to have played a significant role in Argentina’s national life. But, although the romantic figure of the traditional gaucho is famous, many people don’t realize that in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a new breed of gaucho arise in the Argentine plains, consisting of Jewish settlers from Eastern Europe. Eager to elude persecution they suffered in their original homes, they went to Argentina in search of a new version of the Promised Land. 

순서배열 문제는 아래의 주어 동사 찾는 지문과 관련하여 생각.

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