2017년도 지방직 9급 기출문제 변형 & 실전문제


2017 지방직 9급 영어 문법 기출문제 변형 및 실전문제.pdf


2018/02/21 - [과목별 /영어 문제] - (공무원)2017년도 지방직 9급 기출문제 변형 & 실전문제-정답

★주로 문법

-sentence & exercise- 밑줄 친 부분 중 맞은 것을 고르시오. Or 틀린 것을 고치시오.

[2017지방-8] Because those soil erosion rates are so much higher than soil formation rates, [which/that] means a net. 

For instance, about half of the top soil of Iowa, the state whose agriculture productivity is among the highest in the U.S., [have/has] been eroded in the last 150 years. 

A church was built there in the middle of farmland [for/during] the 19th century and [was maintained/has been maintained] continuously as a church ever since, while the land around it was being farmed. 


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