
국회직 변형 연습 문제

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직접 만든 문제이니 풀펌XX

[16년 국회직8급-22]

In one early study featuring Donald as the stimulus, students participated in [that/what] they thought were two unrelated experiments. In the first, they were shown a number of trait words [projecting/projected] on a screen as part of a perception experiment. Half of the participants [was/were] shown the words adventurous, self-confident, independent, and persistent embedded in a set of ten traits. The other half were shown the words reckless, conceited, aloof, and stubborn. After completing the “perception” experiment, the participants moved on to the second study on “reading comprehension,” in which they read the short paragraph about Donald and rated him on a number of trait scales. The paragraph is intentionally ambiguous about whether Donald is an adventurous, appealing sort or a reckless, unappealing person. The investigators interested in whether the words that participants encountered in the first experiment would lead them to apply different schemas and thus affect their evaluations of Donald. As the investigators expected, participants who had previously been exposed to the words adventurous, self-confident, independent, and persistent formed more favorable impressions of Donald than did those who had been exposed to the less flattering words. [채우시오], participants’ schemas about traits like adventurousness and recklessness influenced the kind of inferences they made about Donald. The broader point is that information stored in the brain can influence [how does people construe new information/how people construe new information]. This is most likely to occur when the stimulus, like many of Donald’s actions [are/is] ambiguous. In such cases, we must rely more heavily on topdown processes to compensate for the inadequacies of the information obtained from the bottom up.


첫번째 문제 마지막에서 5번째 줄 The broader point is that

2018/02/19 - [과목별 /영어] - the point is that~ (구문)


Q. []을 고르고, 밑줄 친 부분 중 틀린 것을 고르시오. 

The gauchos, [skilling/skilled] cattlemen of the grassy Argentine plains, are widely known to have played a significant role in Argentina’s national life. But, although the romantic figure of the traditional gaucho is famous, many people don’t realize that in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a new breed of gaucho arise in the Argentine plains, consisting of Jewish settlers from Eastern Europe. Eager to elude persecution they suffered in their original homes, they went to Argentina in search of a new version of the Promised Land. 

순서배열 문제는 아래의 주어 동사 찾는 지문과 관련하여 생각.


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