<Love는 4글자로 구성되어 있고/ 그러나 HATE도 마찬가지이다

Friends는 7글자로 구성되어 있고/ 그러나 Enemies도 마찬가지이다

Truth는 5글자로 구성되어 있고/ Lying도 마찬가지이다>



품사: 형용사

의미: (so와 비슷) 매우, 너무

명사를 앞에서 수식 (명사 앞에 형용사 나와도 상관없음. 결국 명사가 중심이기 때문에)

시험 어순: such a(n) 형용사 + 명사

They're such fools.

It was such good milk that we couldn't stop drinking it.

I've never met such a nice person.


no/any such claim (o)    There is no such person in the room.

no/any such a claim (x)     Any such claim will be immediately rejected.



품사: 부사

의미: 매우’  

형용사나 부사 앞에서 수식.

시험 어순: so 형용사 a(n) 명

2018/08/12 - [영어공부/영어 일반 & 영어단어] - 시험 출제 영어 어순, 문법 (such a 형 명, as 형 a 명, all, what , one of the...etc) -01

He is so kind.

Thank you so much.

The milk was so good that we couldn't stop drinking it.

Why do you talk so slowly?

It was so difficult a problem for her to solve.  (너무 ~해서 ~하다)

 이것은 너무 어려운 문제이다/ 그녀가 풀기에

There is so much to do.

so much, so many, so few, so little 암기

※비교급 강조할 때는 : so much만 가능. 

비교급 강조 다른 표현: even, much, still, far, a lot   

 I'm glad that you're feeling so much better. (so better X)

품사를 암기하면 어순을 쉽게 풀 수 있다. so의 경우 부사이기 때문에 형용사를 따로 수식(so 형용사)하고, 그 형용사가 명사를 수식(형용사 + 명사)하기 때문에 위와 같은 순서로 쓴다. 반면 such는 형용사이기 때문에 [such ( 형용사 명사)]를 수식한다. 

so의 다른 용법: 도치

so를 사용하여 앞의 내용과 같은 의미를 받을 때, 다음과 같이 도치하여 사용. 

so + be동사/have동사/조동사/do동사+주어

I was full and so were the other people. 나는 배불렀고 그리고 나머지 다른 사람들도 마찬가지였다.

If I could publish a book, so can you. 내가 책을 출판할 수 있다면, 너도 마찬가지로 할 수 있다

Walking reduces the risk of stroke. Well, so does chocolate. 걷는 것은 뇌졸중 위험을 감소시킬 수 있고, 초콜릿 또한 마찬가지이다.


1) ‘매우’, ‘ 많이란 뜻 동사를 꾸밈.

2) ‘훨씬비교급 꾸밈.

I much appreciate your advice.

She runs much faster than me.



★know ~를 알다

진행형 불가

I am knowing exactly what you mean. (X) (am knowing -> know)

◎know 목적어  : 직접적인 경험을 통해 얻은 지식을 말할 때

◎know about/of : 그 이외

You don’t know my uncle, do you?

We all know about King Sejong. [We all know King Sejong. (X)]


◎know how to

I know how to make Korean dishes.


◎know 목적어 to부정사

They knew him to be a dangerous criminal.

(They knew to be a dangerous criminal. X)

He was known to be a dangerous criminal.


◎know that

They knew that he was a dangerous criminal.

Know better     (~ 정도로) 어리석지는 않다; 분별력이 있다

He knows better than to judge by appearances. 

그가 외모로 사람을 판단할 정도로 어리석지는 않다

<08지7>문 12. 다음 영어를 우리말로 잘못 옮긴 것은?

He is second to none in describing human character.= 인물의 성격묘사에 있어서 그는 아무에게도 뒤지지 않는다.

The more you get, the more you want.= 가진 게 많으면 많을수록 더 갖고 싶어진다.

I've had it with my car breaking down all the time.= 나는 내 차가 항상 고장 나는 것을 감수해 왔다.

I know better than to mistake the means for the end.= 나는 본말전도를 하지 않을 정도의 분별력은 있다.

◎be known for: ~로 유명하다 = be famous for

◎be known to: ~로서 알려지다 (사람들이 사실이나, 발생한 상황, 어떤 사람의 특징을 알고 있을 때 사용)

◎be known as: ~로서 알려지다 (단순히 별명, 명칭을 나타낼 때 사용)

A daily intake of 20 mg of vitamin C is known to be sufficient in most cases to ward off scurvy.

She is known to be interested in pop music.

They are known to have spoken to the President about it.

And this is Terry, otherwise known as "Muscleman".

In some parts of the United States, the lynx is known as a puma.

An irrational fear, one that has no basis in experience, is known as a phobia.

Cambridge Dictionary 참고

[18국회8]11. Choose the one that is grammatically correct.

Students apply as much commitment to the extracurricular activities as they do to their general subjects.

She was born in the Addis Ababa province of northern Africa, an area known as its spectacular vistas.

③ It is never too early to start caring for the land you live and grow up. 

④ He had few winter clothing when he arrived at the camp. 

⑤ He reads storybooks to children who don’t access to TV.  

② 별명이나 명칭보다는 특징을 가리키므로 known for ③ you live in and grown up in  ④ clothing은 불가산, clothes  ⑤access는 타동사; 명사로 쓸 경우 have access to 

★essential 필수적인

◎essential for/to (전치사)

Formulating new strategies is essential for preparing the corporation to meet and sustain future needs.

Light is absolutely essential for the healthy development of plants.

He had acquired the skills essential to his later success in politics.

The river is essential for/to the region's economy.

Food is essential for/to life.

Using high quality materials is essential for/to achieving a good result.

Knowledge, skills, and creativity are essential to creating high-value products.


◎it is essential to do something : ~하는 데에 필수적이다.

It is essential to use the proper technique.

It's essential to arrive on time.

It is essential to research and protect your patent.

If you want to make major changes, it is essential to involve your staff.


◎it is essential (that): It is essential that all equipment is properly maintained.

It is essential our prices remain competitive.

◎essential reading :  필수적으로 읽어야할 것, 필독서

Her articles are essential reading for anyone interested in the war.


◎play an essential role/part in something : ~에 중요한 역할을 하다

She has always played an essential part in the smooth running of the business.




 In countries where religion ①has been closely identified with ②a people's culture, as in Hinduism and Islam, religious education has been essential ③to be maintained the society and ④its traditions.

③ (be maintained -> maintaining),  시험장에서는 'maintain 뒤에 목적어가 나오기 때문에, 수동태 틀림' 정도로 생각

★count on ~에 달려있다, 믿다 


*(주로 3형식)세다

The teachers counted the students as they got on to the bus.

 선생님들이 학생들을 세었다/ 학생들이 버스에 탔을 때

*(1형식) 중요하다

My opinion doesn't count for anything around here (= no one values my opinion).

(주로 5형식) 고려하다

 He counted it, all things considered, the happiest part of his life. 

그는 이것을 고려한다/ 모든 것을 고려하더라도, / 가장 그의 삶에서 행복했던 부분으로

★concentrate on ~에 집중하다

I can't concentrate on my work with all that noise.

★depend on ~에 달려있다, ~을 믿다

The country depends heavily on foreign aid.

depend on 목적어 to부정사

We're depending on you to find a solution soon.

★rely on ~에 달려있다

 I'm relying on the garage to fix the car by tomorrow.

★focus on ~에 집중하다  

 Tonight’s program focuses on homelessness.

★insist on ~을 고집하다, 주장하다

Jack insisted on Clark wearing a suit to the party.

※insist that 의 경우 that 이하의 문장이 당위성을 나타낼 경우 (should) 원형을 취해야 함.

장관은 교통문제를 해결하기 위해 강 위에 다리를 건설해야 한다고 주장했다. →The minister insisted that a bridge be constructed over the river to solve the traffic problem.

Even before Mr. Kay announced his movement to another company, the manager insisted that we begin advertising for a new accountant.

cf. Greg still insists that he did nothing wrong.

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