< 우리의 실수에 관해 우리는 매우 유능한 변호인이다. 

그리고 다른 사람의 실수에 관해서, 우리는 매우 유능한 판사이다.>

confess to ~ing: ~을 자백하다

get around to ~ing: ~까지 하다, ~할 시간을 내다

come close to ~ing : ~ 뻔하다, ~ 가깝다

look forward to ~ing: ~하기를 고대하다

object to ~ing: ~를 반대하다

She objects to be asked out by people at work. ( OX )

(x) to be asked -> to being asked

be opposed to ~ing: ~를 반대하다

be closed to ~ing: 거의 다 ~하다

be used to ~ing: ~하는 데 익숙하다

<14국회9> 9. 다음 문장을 영어로 옮긴 것 중 가장 어색한 것을 고르면?

① 이상하게 들릴지 모르겠지만 그것은 사실이다. -> Though it sounds strangely, it is quite true. ② 나는 아침에 일찍 일어나는 데 익숙하다. -> I am used to getting up early in the morning. ③ 그녀가 울음을 터뜨린다고 해서 놀라지 마십시오. -> Don't be surprised even if she suddenly bursts into tears. ④ 그에게 부족한 것이 없다. -> He lacks for nothing. ⑤ 그것을 누가했든, 그것이 무엇이든지 간에 별로 상관없다. -> It matters little who did it or what it was.

정답: ① (strangely -> strange: sound 뒤에 형용사)

be accustomed to ~ing: ~하는 데 익숙하다

<14국7> 문 14. ① 그녀는 가족과 함께 있을 때 가장 행복하다. → She is happiest when she is with her family. ② 사고 후 그는 왼손을 사용하는 데 익숙해지고 있었다. → He was getting accustomed to using his left hand after the accident. ③ 내 급우들 중 3분의 2가 졸업 후 직장을 알아볼 예정이다. → Two thirds of my classmates are going to look for jobs after graduation. ④ 책임감이 그로 하여금 결국 자신을 희생하게 한 위험한 일을 맡도록 재촉하였다. → His sense of responsibility urged him to undertake the dangerous task which he eventually sacrificed himself.

정답: ④ (which -> for which: which 뒤 완전절이기 때문에 전치사 필요. sacrifice oneself for: ~을 위해 자신을 희생하다)

when it comes to ~ing: ~에 관해서라면 =about

be committed(devoted) to ~ing: ~에 헌신하다

be devoted to ~ing : ~ 헌신하다

be exposed to ~ing: ~에 노출되다

what do you say to ~ing : ~하는거 어때요?

contribute to 명사: ~에 기여하다

be tied to ~ing:~와 결부되다

 Much of the crooked trading is tied to mergers and acquisitions, which reached record levels last year.

대부분의 부정한 거래는 M&A 인수합병과 결보되있다/ 인수합병은 작년에 최고 기록을 달성해다.


<17서7>10. A survey ① conducted for the journal American Demographics by the research from Market Facts found some surprising results. In modern America, ② where superstitions are seen as nothing more than the beliefs of a weak mind, 44 percent of the people surveyed still admitted they were superstitious. The other 56 percent claimed to be only optimistically superstitious, ③ meaning they were more willing to believe superstitions relating to good luck over ones related to bad luck. For example, 12 percent of those who said they were not really superstitious confessed to ④ knock on wood for good luck. And 9 percent confessed they would pick up a penny on the street for good luck. A further 9 percent of non-believers also said they would pick a four-leaf clover for luck if they found one. And some still believed in kissing under the mistletoe for luck.

정답:  ④ (knock -> knocking)

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