
간단히 주어 동사가 바뀌는 문장이라고 생각하면 된다.

그러면 도치는 언제 일어나는 것일까?

다음과 같은 경우에 도치가 발생한다. (우리 말과 많이 다르기 때문에 많은 연습이 필요.)

1. 의문문

2. so, neither, nor: 앞 말을 대신 받을 때

3. as, than, so

4. 가정법 도치

5. 부정의어구

6. 장소를 나타내는 어구가 앞에 올 경우. here, there 쓸 경우 많이 쓰임

7. ‘누군가 말했다와 같은 표현 시 도치: said, asked, suggested... etc <- 독해시 필요


1. 의문문 (생략)

2. so, neither, nor: 앞 말을 대신 받을 때

I don’t like opera. -> Neither do I.

so에 관한 예문↓↓↓↓

2018/08/24 - [영어공부/영어 일반 & 영어단어] - so 와 such 의 차이, + much

3. as, than, so

She was very religious, as were most of her friends.

City dwellers have a higher death rate than do country people.

So ridiculous did she look that everybody burst out laughing.

★4. 가정법 도치

가정법 과거:    과거형 + 주어(S),

가정법 과거완료: Had + S + p.p,

should 도치: Should + S + V, ~V한다면

<189> 7. 어법상 옳은 것은? ① Please contact to me at the email address I gave you last week. ② Were it not for water, all living creatures on earth would be extinct. ③ The laptop allows people who is away from their offices to continue to work. ④ The more they attempted to explain their mistakes, the worst their story sounded.

① (contact me) ②가정법 과거 도치(맞게 씀) ③ 선행사 people 이 복수이므로 is -> are ④ the 비교급, the 비교급 (the worst -> the worse)

<137> 8. 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은? ① 우리가 공항에 도착할 무렵, 비행기는 이미 이륙했다. By the time we had arrived at the airport, the flight already took off. ② 당신이 바쁘지 않으면 오늘 저녁에 당신 집에 들르겠다. I'll drop by your place this evening lest you should be busy. ③ 그녀가 콘서트에 왔었다면 좋아했을 것이다. Had she come to the concert, she would have enjoyed it. ④ 그는 의사로서 자질이 없다. He is cut out to be a doctor.

① (비행기 이륙한 게 먼저이므로 we arrived~, the flight had already taken off.)  ② (lest -> if you are not busy) ③가정법 과거완료 도치(맞음) ④ 자질이 있다라는 의미 ( cut out for ~에 적합하다)

<127> 11. ① 예의상 나는 그녀의 제안을 거절할 수 없었다. For courtesy's sake I couldn't but refuse her offer. ② 몸무게 증가가 이 치료법의 또 다른 부작용이다. Weight gain is another side effect of this treatment. ③ 그 책이 있었다면, 너에게 빌려줄 수 있었을 텐데. Had I had the book, I could have lent it to you. ④ 사람들은 공공장소에서의 흡연자들을 덜 용인하고 있다. People are less tolerant of smokers in public places.

① cannot but R : ~하지 않을 수 없다 (영어의미: 거절했다)

<097> 16. 다음 중 문법적으로 옳지 않은 것은? Had the computer parts been delivered earlier, we could have been able to complete the project on time. In spite of the fact that he is generally sincere and honest, the head is not likely to forgive his fault this time. The maintenance team has completely upgraded our system's software, but whether it protects us from these new computer viruses is another matter. His forecasts of the economy are much more positive than that of many analysts, who fear the country is going into a recession.

④(that -> those: forecasts를 받으므로)

<149>11. ___________ test positive for antibiotics when tanker trucks arrive at a milk processing plant, according to the Federal Law, the entire truckload must be discarded. Should milk If milk If milk is Were milk Milk will

 ② 동사가 tests여야 함 ③ 동사(test)가 이미 있음 ④ 말도 안 됨 ⑤ 문장이 접속사 없이 두 개 ①의미상 문형상 정답

5. 부정의어구

hardly, seldom, rarely, little(조금도 ~않다), never; only+시간표현

not until(~하고서야 비로소 ~하다), under no circumstance, on no account(결코 ~않다)

At no time was the President aware of what was happening.

그 회의 후에야 그는 금융 위기의 심각성을 알아차렸다 ->Only after the meeting did he recognize the seriousness of the financial crisis.

Only after her death was I able to appreciate her.


<179> 6. 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? A few words caught in passing set me thinking. Hardly did she enter the house when someone turned on the light. We drove on to the hotel, from whose balcony we could look down at the town. The homeless usually have great difficulty getting a job, so they are losing their hope.

② did -> had she entered

<13국회9>6. 다음 문장을 가장 자연스럽게 옮긴 것은?우리는 건강을 잃고 나서야 비로소 건강의 가치를 깨닫는다.

It is not until we lose our health that we realize the value of it. No sooner had we realized the value of our health when we lost it. We will realize the value of our health even though we lose it. It will not be long before we realize the value of our health. Our ill health prevents us from realizing the value of it.

<16국회9>15. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오.

Although there had been resistance to the high rate of immigration during the nineteenth century, only in the early twentieth century was several laws passed that restricted both the number of people who could come to the United States and where they could come from.

③ was -> were 주어가 복수(several laws)

<157> 4. He is alleged that he has hit a police officer. Tom got his license taken away for driving too fast. The building was destroyed in a fire, the cause of which was never confirmed. Under no circumstances can a customers money be refunded.

① allege는 사람이 주어일 경우 to부정사를 받고, that 절을 쓰려면 it is alleged로.

<117> 4. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은?

A few weeks earlier I had awoken just after dawn to find the bed beside me empty. I got up and found Jenny sitting in her bathrobe at the glass table on the screened porch of our little bungalow, bent over the newspaper with a pen in her hand. There was nothing unusual about the scene. Not only were the Palm Beach Post our local paper, it was also the source of half of our household income. We were a two-newspapercareer couple. Jenny worked as a feature writer in the Post's Accent section; I was a news reporter at the competing paper in the area, the South Florida SunSentinel, based an hour south in Fort Lauderdale.

③ were-> was 주어가 단수이므로

<167> 9. Hardly had the new recruits started training when they were sent into battle. Disagreements over the treaty arose among the indigenous peoples of Africa. If I had enough money, I would have bought a fancy yacht. Do you want me to come with you, or do you want to go alone?


③ (would have bought -> would buy) or (had -> had had enough)

cf. not far, not long 도치 X

Not far from here you can see foxes.

Not long after that she got married.

 6. 장소를 나타내는 어구가 앞에 올 경우. here, there 쓸 경우 많이 쓰임

Under a tree was lying one of the biggest men I had ever seen.

On the grass sat an enormous frog.


There goes your brother. (대명사일 경우 도치 불가)

Her comes Freddy!


7. ‘누군가 말했다와 같은 표현 시 도치: said, asked, suggested... etc <- 독해시 필요

<167> Eating seasonally and locally is a great way to maintain a healthy diet, observes a veteran food consultant and Korea's first accredited vegetable sommelier.

 베테랑인 음식 컨설턴트이자 처음으로 한국에서 공인된 채소 소물리에가 말했다.


기상직 9급영어 기출문제

2018년부터 2015까지

통합본& 각 기출

2018~2015 기상직 9영어.pdf

17 기상 9 영어 (2).pdf

16 기상9 영어 (3).pdf

15 기상9 영어 (4).pdf

18 기상 9영어 (1).pdf

기상직 9급 


2018: 23142 / 13443 / 21213 / 44213

2017: 44341 / 32124 / 11432 / 13342

2016: 42322 / 42431 / 41212 / 43133

2015: 33122 / 41431 / 24312 / 12341

다음과 같은 형용사가

1)easy, hard, difficult, impossible, good, ready, nice

2)enough and too다음 형용사


To부정사의 (전치사의) 목적어가 주어로 올 때. 목적어 자리는 빈 상태로 놔둔다

-> 주어와 to부정사의 목적어가 다르면 그냥 둔다 (당연한 소리-아래 문제 참고<097>  11)

자리에 목적어를 채우면 틀림.

He’s easy to please.    

(= To please him is easy. or It is easy to please him.)

Japanese is difficult for Europeans to learn.

(= It is difficult for Europeans to learn Japanese.)

His theory is impossible to understand.

(= It is impossible to understand his theory)

Are these berries good to eat?  

The apples ripe enough to pick.

The letters are ready to sign. 

The box was too heavy to lift.

She's nice to talk to. (She's nice to talk to her. X)

He’s very easy to get on with.

It’s not a bad place to live in.



<147> 12. 

그 가방은 너무 무거워서 내가 들어 올릴 수 없었다. →The bag was too heavy for me to lift it. 

그녀가 너무 꼴불견이어서 모든 사람들이 갑자기 웃기 시작 했다. →So ridiculous did she look that everybody burst out laughing. 

그가 집 밖으로 나오는 것이 목격되었다. →He was seen to come out of the house. 

나는 저 아이를 재울 수가 없다. →I can't get that child to go to bed.


① ( lift it -> lift : 위 설명) 


<097> 11. 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것은?

① 나는 기꺼이 그것을 받아들이겠다. I am only too glad to accept it.

② 그녀는 전적으로 행복한 것은 아니다. She is not at all happy.

③ 그러한 사람은 있다고 해도 거의 없다. There are few, if any, such men.

④ 비용은 말할 것도 없고 시간도 많이 걸린다. It takes up too much time, let alone the expenses.


① (주어와 to부정사의 목적어가 다를 경우)     ② not at all은 전체 부정. 부분 부정 필요. She is not necessarily happy.

<077> 9. 다음 중 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것은

① 그는 머리가 둔하다기보다는 교육을 받지 못했다. He is not so much unintelligent as uneducated. 

② 그가 배움을 갖기에 너무 늙은 것은 아니다. He is not too old to learn. 

③ 지금쯤 잠자리에 들었어야 할 시간이다. It is time you went to bed. 

④ 그는 우리에게 했던 무례한 행동으로 후회하고 있다. He is regrettable for his rude behavior to us.

④ regrettable은 후회를 야기시키는 것에 쓰임. regretful :후회를 느낄 때

<167> 10. 우리말을 영어로 가장 잘 옮긴 것은

① 어떤 교수의 스타일에 적응하는 데는 항상 시간이 좀 걸린다. Time always takes little to tune in on a professor's style. ② 나는 마지막 순간까지 기다렸다가 밤을 새우는 데 익숙해있다. I'm used to waiting until the last minute and staying up all night. 

③ 그 수학 문제는 너무 어려워서 그 학생이 답을 할 수 없었다. The math question was too tough for the student to answer it. 

④ 나는 너무 많은 시간의 힘든 일로 정말 지쳤다. Too many hours of hard work really tired of me.

① (little -> a little : little 부정을 의미) ③ (answer it -> answer : 위 설명)  ④ ( tired of me -> tired me : tire가 주어를 사물로 취할 경우 전치사 없이 목적어 취함)

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