정답은 아래
flamboyant 현란한, 화려한 impending 임박한
raucous 목쉰 소리의, 귀에 거슬리는 anguish 고통
empathy 감정 이입 dilapidate 황폐한, 초라한
have an itch ~하고 싶어 못 견디다 harness 이용하다
sooth 달래다, 진정시키다 preen 부리로 다듬다
dilatory 미적거리는, 지체시키는 be liable to ~하기 쉽다
cajole 속이다 coat 덮다
coin 신조어를 짓다 make compensations 보상하다
border 가장자리를 이루다 indolence 게으름, 나태함
plastic 형태를 바꾸기 쉬운,가소성의 plasticity 적응성
take notes 메모하다 take note of 주목하다
dismiss 해체하다, 버리다 guilt 죄의식
lament 슬퍼하다, 비탄하다 exasperate 몹시 화나게 하다
foster 조성하다, 발전시키다 speculation 추측
One of the major factors which have contributed to the development of our society is that we have learned to harness some of the sources of energy found in nature. The ability to do this has provided us with machines capable of converting energy taken from natural sources into useful mechanical work, and the possession of such machines is now essential to the maintenance of our civilization.
Of the two great influences that make humans what they are, heredity and environment, environment is undoubtedly the more powerful.
[of~,]가 문두에 오면, ‘~중에’라고 해석
Despite mounting evidence, many people refuse to accept this theory because they equate it with environmental determinism, a theory that claims that climate determines character―for instance, that tropical climates foster indolence.
정답: 11241 / 33341 / 24423 / 34422
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