hit the nail on the head : 정곡을 찌르다, 알아 맞히다


ex) I think Tom hit the nail on the head when he said that what’s lacking from this company is a feeling of confidence.


come by sth : 얻다


ex) Cheap organic food is still difficult to come by.


hit the road : 길을 떠나다


ex) I’d love to stay longer but I must be hitting the road.


hold good : 유효하다, 지속하다


ex_ Their arguments were valid a hundred years ago and they still hold good today.


hold your tongue : 다물어.


ex) Hold you tongue, young man!


hot under the collar : 매우 화난


ex) When I suggested he was mistaken he got rather hot under the collar.


in a nutshell : 간단히 말해서


ex) Well, to put it in a nutshell, we’re lost.


be in hot water : 곤경에 처하여


ex) He found himself in hot water over his comments about immigration.

under the weather : 몸이 좋지 않은


ex) I feel under the weather today.


far-fetched : 믿기 어려운, 진실 같지 않은


ex) a far-fetched idea/ story


look/ feel (like) a million dollars : 기분이 엄청 좋은


ex) You look a million dollars in that dress, honey.


feel small : 초라하게 느껴지다, 풀이 죽다


ex) As a manager you have to be able to criticize people but you don’t want to make them feel small.


fill sb in : 정보를 주다


ex) I filled her in on the latest gossip.


feel up to : ~ 해낼 같이 느끼다; ~ 같은 기분이다.


ex) I don’t feel up to a late night out.


fix sb up : 만남을 주선하다


ex) Jacques tried to fix me up with his older sister.


follow in sb’s footsteps : ~ 자취를 따르다


ex) She followed in her mother’s footsteps, starting her own business.


have the time of your life : 즐거운 시간을 보내다


ex) We had the time of our lives at Karl’s party.

hit below the belt : 비열한 행동을 하다


ex) If a remark is below the belt, it is particularly hurtful and unfair.


hit bottom = touch bottom :최저를 기록하다; 최악의 상황이 되다


ex) Make changes before you hit bottom.


hit the ceiling/roof : 머리 끝까지 화가 나다


ex) Dad will hit the ceiling when he finds out I’ve left school.

2018/08/22 - [공무원 시험/공무원 영어 기출] - 2017 경찰 영어 1차 기출문제 및 정답/ 단어/ 첨삭본- hit 관련 표현

dawn on : ~에게  명확히 이해되다


ex) I was about to pay for the shopping when it suddenly dawned on me that I’d left my check book at home.


draw on : 이용하다

ex) The novelist draws heavily on her personal experiences.

cost (sb) an arm and a leg : 굉장히 비싸다


ex) These shoes cost me an arm and a leg.


double trouble : 엄청난 골치


ex) Having twins usually means double trouble for the parents.


cutting-edge : 최신의


ex) cutting-edge design/technology


cut corners : 쉽게 혹은 값으로 일을 하다


ex) We’ve had to cut corners to make a film on such a small budget.


day in day out : 날이면 날마다


ex) I have to do the same boring jobs day in day out.


not sleep a wink : 숨도 자다


ex) I didn’t sleep a wink last night with all that noise.


drop sb a line : 간단한 편지를 쓰다


ex) Just drop me a line when you’ve decided on a date.


face the music : 비난을 받아들이다.


ex) When the check bounced, he had to face the music.

come in handy : 유용하다

ex) A laptop is come in handy in many ways.

down in the dumps : 슬픈, 우울한

ex) She's a bit down in the dumps because she's got to take her exams again.

down the drain : 노력이 수포로 돌아가다

ex) If the factory closes, that will be a million pounds' worth of investment down the drain.

have a ball : 즐거운 시간을 보내다

ex) So how was the party last night? Oh, we had a ball!!

have a hunch : ~ 예감이 들다

ex)I had a hunch that you'd be here.

have a big mouth : 입이 사다

ex) He has such a big mouth. 

have an ear for : 소질이 있다

ex) She's never had much of an ear for languages.

check out : 확인하다, 보다, 검토하다

ex) We'll need to check out his story.

cross one's mind : 생각이 떠오르다

ex) It never once crossed my mind that she might be unhappy.

butter up : 아부하다

ex) You'll have to butter them up a bit before they'll agree.

brag about : 자랑하다

ex) She's always bragging about how much money she earns.

break sb's heart : 상처를 주다

ex)  He's broken a lot of girls' hearts.

bring home the bacon : 생활비를 벌다; 성공하다

ex) I can't sit around all day - someone's got to bring home the bacon.

by the skin of your teeth : 간신히 ~하다

ex) He escaped from the secret police by the skin of his teeth.

by word of mouth : 구전으로, 입으로

ex) All the orders were given by word of mouth so that no written evidence could be discovered later.

butterflies in one's stomach : 초조해 하다

ex) I had terrible butterflies before I gave that talk in Venice.

catch one off guard : 방심한 틈을 타 놀라게 하다

ex) China caught the entire world off the guard.

catch one's eye : 관심을 끌다

ex) A sudden movement caught my eye.

be at loose ends : 할 일이 없어서 빈둥빈둥거리다

ex) Just before school starts, all the children are at loose ends.

ask for it: 화를 자초하다

ex) You've asked for it; not me

be fed up with: 질리다, 지겹다

ex) I'm fed up with my job.

at the discretion of : ~의 재량대로, 좋을대로

ex) Other days may be allowed, as provided for by the national government, but only at the discretion of management.

beat around the bush: 둘러 말하다

ex) Don't beat around the bush - get to the point!

beats me: 모른다

beat it: 가버려, 꺼져

behind bars: 감옥에 갇힌

break the ice: 어색함을 깨다

ex) Someone suggested that we play a party game to break the ice.

black sheep: 집안의 골칫거리

ex) He's the black sheep of the family.

blow one's top 화가 머리 끝까지 나다

ex) My father will blow his top when he sees what happened to the house.

black out: 기절하다; 정전되다

ex) I almost blacked out due to the lighting.


문 2.

The usual way of coping with taboo words and notions is to develop euphemisms and circumlocutions. Hundreds of words and phrases have emerged to express basic biological functions, and talk about _________ has its own linguistics world. English examples include "to pass on," "to snuff the candle," and "to go aloft." 

① death ② defeat ③ anxiety ④ frustration

taboo words 금기어
euphemism 완곡어
circumlocution 우회적으로 말하기
emerge 나타나다
pass on 넘겨주다, 전염시키다
snuff the candle 초를 끄다
go aloft 천당에 가다, 죽다
defeat 패배; ★패배시키다
frustration 좌절, 절망
pass away 돌아가시키다
pass out  기절하다
kick the bucket 뒤지다 

around the corner (시간)바로 앞에(목전에) (공간적) 바로 근처에

ex) There's a great cafe just around the corner.

a long face 우울한, 시무룩한

ex) Why a long face?

turn a deaf ear 무시하다

ex) In the past they've tended to turn a deaf ear to such requests.

be all thumbs 서투른

ex) When it comes to fixing a car, I am all thumbs.

be all ears 열심히 듣다

ex) I am all ears.

in ages 오랫동안

ex) We haven't heard from each other in ages.

act one's age 행동에 맞게 행동하다

ex) Act your age.

a white lie 선의의 거짓말

ex) It's sometimes all right to tell a white lie.

a walk in the park 쉬운 일

ex) All i like to do is walk in the park and swing and play with the kids and drink coffee.

a tempest in a teapot = storm in a teacup 별 것도 아닌 일에 야단 법석

ex) The show has caused a tempest in a teapot.

a wet blanket: 남의 기분을 망치는 사람; 파티 등을 망치는 사람

ex) Don't be such a wet blanket.

a slap in the face: 뺨을 찰싹 때림; 퇴짜 놓음, 거절, 모욕

ex) I feel your comments ere a slap in the face.

a piece of cake= as easy as pie = breeze: 쉬운일

ex) The exam was a piece of cake.

a pain in the neck 골치 덩어리

ex) That child is a real pain in the neck.

a mixed blessing: 유리하지만 불리할 수도 있는 상황

ex) Getting into the team in a mixed blessing- it's good to have the place, but I'll have to spend a lot of time training.

a far cry from 현저히 다른

ex) The climate in Alaska is a far cry from that of Florida

a drop in the bucket 아주 적은, 새발의 피

ex) I know this is only a drop in the bucket to buy a brand new smartphone, but i want you to have it.

a Dear John letter 이별 통고

ex) His girlfriend wrote him a Dear John letter and moved to Japan.

a close call = a close shave위기 일발, 구사일생

ex) I had a close call this morning - some idiot almost knocked me off my bike.

해석:      ~(A)하자(해서야)             ~(B)하다

not A~ until B

ex) We did not arrive there until the sun set.

우리가 도착하자 태양이 지고 있었다.

※의미상 한번에 이해하기 위해서 여러번 반복 암기

문법 사항: 도치 - 앞부분 도치가 아니라 뒷부분

ex) Not until the sun set did we arrive there.

It was not until 구문으로 바꿀 수 있음

ex)  It was not until Einstein was fourteen /that he showed his mathematical talents.

아이슈타인이 14살이 되자 /그는 그의 수학적 재능을 보였다.

It was not until the sun set that we arrived there.

=Not until the sun set did we arrive there.

=We did not arrive there until the sun set.

<12지-9> When in the eighteenth century, nationalism began to form as a modern movement, its forerunners in many parts of Europe were not soldiers and statesmen but scholars and poets who sought to find in ancient legends and half forgotten folksongs the “soul” of the nation. 

= It was not until the 18th century that nationalism became a modern movement. 


문 8. 우리말을 영어로 옮긴 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? 

① 그들이 10년간 살았던 집이 폭풍에 심하게 손상되었다. → The house which they have lived for 10 years badly damaged by the storm. 

② 수학 시험에 실패했을 때에서야 그는 공부를 열심히 하기로 결심했다. → It was not until when he failed the math test that he decided to study hard. 

③ 냉장고에 먹을 것이 하나도 남아있지 않아서, 어젯밤에 우리는 외식을 해야 했다. → We had nothing to eat left in the refrigerator, we had to eat out last night. 

④ 우리는 운이 좋게도 그랜드캐넌을 방문했는데, 거기에는 경치가 아름다운 곳이 많다. → We were enough fortunate to visit the Grand Canyon, that has much beautiful landscape.

① ( which -> at which/where 완전한 문장) (have ->had)  (damaged -> was/got damaged 수동태로)
③ 절이 접속사나 관계대명사 없이 연속적으로 나올 수 없음 (As we had nothing to eat~~)
④ enough 용법  (fortunate enough to~) ( 관계대명사 계속적 용법은 that 못 씀, that-> which)

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