enough 에 대해 알기

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충분히’(as much as we need or want’)라는 뜻을 갖는 enough

한정사, 대명사, 부사로 쓰일 수 있어요. 이를 각각 알아보기 전에

enough 하면 암기하는

명사를 수식하면 명사 앞에 (한정사)

형용사와 부사를 수식하면  형용사, 부사 다음에 (부사) = 형용사/부사 + enough to ~

1.     우선 한정사로서 enough

한정사니까 명사 앞에 써야하겠죠?

Do you have enough money to pay for your train fare and taxis?

There was enough food for about ten people.

We just have three eggs for a week. We don’t have enough eggs.


※그런데 enough가 명사를 직접 꾸며주는 게 아니라 다른 한정사(the, my, her)나 대명사(us, them)을 꾸며줄 때에는 of를 써서 꾸며줘요. enough of

You haven’t eaten enough of your dinner, Jason.

Not: You haven’t eaten enough your dinner, Jason.

There weren’t enough of them.

Not: There weren’t enough them.


2.     대명사


식사 끝 무렵,

A: Have you had enough?        

B: Yes, thanks. That was delicious.

위 예문처럼 식사 충분히 드셨나요?’ 할 때 enoughmeal을 대신해요.

I need to go and get some more chairs. There aren’t enough here. (enough= chairs)


3.     부사    

A: Are you ready for your exam?

B: Yes, I think I’ve studied enough. That’s all I can do.

Is this box big enough for all those books?

Not: Is this box enough big …

We won’t be rich if we don’t work hard enough.

She’s not old enough to work in the factory.

Strangely enough, no one seemed to notice that Boris was in his pyjamas. (It is/was strange that no one …)

You're old enough to know better.  너는 이제 철들 나이가 됐다.

cf. a+ 형용사 enough + 명사

I think that putting them in jail is a severe enough punishment.

 내가 생각하기에. 그들을 감옥에 넣는 것은 충분히 심각한 처벌이야.

*enough가 쓰인 여러가지 표현 

can't ~ enough/too = can't over 동사 (아무리 ~해도 지나치지 않다.)

ex) I can't thank you enough. = I don't know how to thank you. (나는 너한테 어떻게 감사할지 모르겠어. '엄청 고맙다'는 뜻)

enough!!                 충분하니까 그만 해라

enough is enough     이제 그만 됐어!.

fair enough              (생각이나 제안이) 괜찮다[좋다]


문1.  A: I hope my parents don't miss the beginning of the performance. B: I think they'll _______________ to see it.

 enough early arrive ② enough arrive early ③ arrive enough early ④ arrive early enough ⑤ early enough arrive


10.  Water particles ①carried to ②a great height freeze into ice particles and ③are swept upward and ④refrozen repeatedly until they are ⑤enough heavy to fall as hail.

문1.   ④ 부사 +enough
문10.  ⑤ 형용사 + enough (heavy enough)

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