‘To’ or ‘too’?-too 를 중심으로


to  too  차이


to 전시사와 부정사 to  나뉠  있죠

여기서는 전치사 to 비교할 꺼에요


전치사 to

1.     (방향)~으로                          We took the train to London.

2.     동사구 부분으로서 to            I would like to see you soon.


too 쓰임새- (의미평균보다 이상을 강조할 

1.     (형용사와 부사 바로 앞에서 보통보다 이상 나타낼 너무   

      You’re driving too fast.

This coffee is too sweet.

Not: This coffee is too much sweet. (중간에 much 같은 것을 넣지 못함)

It happened too quickly, so I just didn’t see it.

Not: It happened too much quickly.


2.   명사를 강조할  (too much/many/few/little + 명사) - 1.번과 차이는 뒤에 오는 품사의 차이

  Too much, too many, too few and too little

There’s too much salt in this soup. (too much +   없는 명사)

There were too many dogs on the beach. (too many +   있는 명사)

I don’t like this book because there are too few pictures in it. (too few +   있는 명사) -( 형식적 표현)

 = I don’t like this book because there aren’t enough pictures in it.

The trip was cancelled because there was too little interest in it. (too little +   없는 명사)

3.     too 형용사/부사 + to부정사

The water was too cold to swim in.

Two hours is too long to wait.

Much too and far too

too 강조하기 위해 much  far 수식

far too much too 보다 강한 표현!



4.     또한(also, as well) – also보다 격식을 차리지 않는 말에서 자주 쓰임문장 끝에 위치

I would like some dinner too.

Catherine decided to join us for dinner, and her husband came along too. (or, more formal, … and her husband also came along.)

 다만, 형식적인 상황에서, 주어 다음에 too를 사용하기도 해요.

 You too could have a week in the sun. Visit www.holidaysforyou.com.

Cf.  마직막으로 유감을 나타내는 표현  too bad or  that’s too bad 


too 와  very 의 의미상 차이?

very 마찬가지로 형용사와 부사를 강조

그러나 의미상 차이 -이러한 의미차이 때문에 수식이 가능한 경우도 있고 수식이 불가능한 경우도 발생!

She is very careful.     그녀는 매우 조심성 있는 사람이다.(조심성이 강한 사람)

She is too careful.       그녀는 너무 조심성 있는 사람이다. (필요 이상으로 조심성이 있는 사람

cf. She was very beautiful. 

Not: She was too beautiful.  (필요 이상으로 아름답다?????)

very much 와 too much

 like, dislike, hope, doubt. 와 같은 동사를 강조하기 위해 very much를 사용. 그러나 too much는 사용 못함.

I like it very much because I got it from my husband.

Not: I like it too much … (필요 이상으로 좋아한다????)

I doubt very much that Ronan will be able to come to the party.

Not: I doubt too much that …

참고: 캠브리지 영영사전

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