2018 서울시 3월 영어_9급_A형.pdf
2018 서울시 3월 정답가안.pdf
난이도: 적당
풀어볼 만한 문제: 16, 20
tips: 13번, 14번
선택지 보는 것도 한 방법
파악(17) 문제는 처음 한두 문장 보고 그리고 마지막 부분 보고 파악.
단어 정리
integral 필수적인, 필요불가결한 internal
내부의, 체내의
integrity 진실성 integrate
alleviate 완화하다 ameliorate
frivolous 경솔한; 시시한 fastidious 세심한, 꼼꼼한
meticulous 꼼꼼한, 세심한 magnate
거물, ~왕
imbue 가득
채우다 dejected 낙담한
from scratch 아무런 사전 준비[지식] 없이
level 수준; 평평한; 평평하게 하다; 완전히
claw your way back/into/out of something 고생고생하며
stick one's neck out 위험을 무릅쓰다; 위험을 자초하다
Rep. Lee stuck his neck out to make the law pass through.
go to bat for someone …을 변호하다; 지지하다; 돕다; …을 지지하다(야구의 핀치 히터를 말하는 용어에서)
I tried to go to bat for Bill, but he said he didn't want any help.
weigh in (with something) (논의·언쟁·활동 등에) 끼어들다[관여하다]/거들다
We all weighed in with our suggestions. 우리는 모두 제안을 하며 거들었다.
8. The term combines two concepts― bionic
which means to give a living thing an artificial capability like a bionic arm,
and nano which refer to particles smaller than 100 nanometers that can be used
to imbue the living thing with its new capability.
11. And when you have reviewed your
friends, teach yourself the art of reading faces; make yourself
receptive to the moods of those whom you meet in the course of an ordinary day.
12. At the extreme end of the slippery
slope is plain packaging, where all trademarks, logos and brand-specific colors
are removed, resulting in unintended consequences and a severe infringement
of intellectual property rights.
13. they are displaced on account of
war or poverty or disease.
14. In the real world, we no more appraise things
with our eyes closed and holding our nose than we do by ignoring the brand that
is stamped on the product we purchase, the look and feel of the box it comes
in, or the price being asked.
2018/02/28 - [과목별 /영어 구문 공부] - no more than, not more than, no less than, not less than 비교급
16. Feelings of pain or pleasure or some
quality in between are the bedrock of our minds. We often fail to notice
this simple reality because the mental images of the objects and events that
surround us, along with the images of the words and sentences that describe
them, use up so much of our overburdened attention. But there they are,
feelings of myriad emotions and related states, the continuous musical
line of our minds, the unstoppable humming of the most universal of melodies
that only dies down when we go to sleep, a humming that turns into all-out
singing when we are occupied by joy, or a mournful requiem when sorrow takes
After several minutes of standing around, dejected
under the netless basketball hoops and wondering where everybody is, the names
of those I expected to find awaiting me start to fill my mind.
Around me the concrete is empty
except for pebbles, bottles, and a beer can that I kick, clawing a scary
noise out of the pavement.
19. The resulting division did not ratify
any plan of nature. The borderlands were an ecological whole; northeastern
Mexican desert blended into southeastern American desert with no prefiguring of
20. As a result, the aggressive driver
generally commits multiple violations in an attempt to make up time.