기본 단어 1탄

basic words.pdf

basic words 암기용.pdf

offender 범죄자; *남의 감정을 해치는 사람 (n. offense 범죄; *화나게 하는 행위)

consequence 결과                 readily 선뜻, 기꺼이                immoral 비도덕적인

attentively 주의 깊게, 조심스럽게     assert 주장하다

witty 익살맞은, 재치 있는                paraphrase 다른 말로 바꾸어 표현한

philosophical 철학의   statement 진술           sum up 요약하다         essence 본질

consumption 소비      entertainment 오락, 기분 전환                       square 광장

variable 변수             leap 뛰다; *(서둘러) …하다

cause-and-effect relationship 인과 관계      productive 생산적인, 생산하는

healthconscious 건강을 의식하는[조심하는]   scarcity 부족, 결핍

constrain 강요하다; *제한하다                      virtually 사실상

brand-new 새것의, 신상품의                       riveway 진입로

oceanfront 바다 가까이에 있는, 해변의         alternative 대안 sacrifice 희생하다

allowance 용돈          electronic 전자의        gadget 기계, 기구

impress 깊은 인상을 주다                            weed 잡초를 뽑다

spice 향신료 far-off , 멀리 떨어진 exaggerated 과장된, 부풀린 hardship 어려움

place 장소; *놓다[두다]                                ease 쉬움, 용이성

visibility 가시성        common good 공익      passionately 열정적으로, 열렬히

immediate 즉각적인   perceptible 인지할 있는     let alone …는 고사하고

lamppost 가로등 기둥                                  resort 휴양지; *(특정 상황에서의) 수단

illuminate 비추다; *(이해하기 쉽게) 밝히다   shed (·소리· 냄새를) 발하다

infect 감염시키다 pesticide 살충제    dreaded 무서운    eliminate 없애다, 제거하다

applaud 박수를 치다              flourish 자라다, 번성하다            overrun 들끓다

plague 전염병 flea 벼룩

advertising-soaked 광고투성이의                 aim …을 목표로 하다

spontaneous 자연스러운; *자발적인               nagging 잔소리하는, 불평하는

manipulate 조종하다 [문제]                         direct 지도하다; *지배하다

overestimate 과대평가하다 ( underestimate 과소평가하다)

vine 덩굴 blinding (너무 밝아) 눈이 부신      trail 추적[미행]하다

underworld 암흑가                                       discouraging 낙담시키는

come into view 시야에 들어오다, 보이다       limitless 무한한

intention 의도           decline 거절하다         rural 시골의    inland 내륙에 있는 

emerge 모습을 드러내다, 나타나다    mist 안개

disabled 장애를 가진 spot 발견하다 carving 조각품            interpreter 통역사

opponent 상대방        spirited 힘찬, 활기를         intense 치열한

keep up with …을 따라잡다              at length 마침내

settle the deal  거래를 성사시키다    reasonable (가격이) 적절한, 비싸지 않은

cut off …을 잘라 내다                  fit 맞는

pointless 무의미한, 소용 없는           routine 판에 박힌 , 일상

at stake 위태로운, 성패가 달려 있는

공무원 영어 2014년도 지방직  기출 

단어 정리 & 문장

2014 voca.pdf

국회직 변형 연습 문제

문법 & 빈칸채우기

난이도: 상

hard exercise.pdf


hard exercise 정답.pdf

직접 만든 문제이니 풀펌XX

[16년 국회직8급-22]

In one early study featuring Donald as the stimulus, students participated in [that/what] they thought were two unrelated experiments. In the first, they were shown a number of trait words [projecting/projected] on a screen as part of a perception experiment. Half of the participants [was/were] shown the words adventurous, self-confident, independent, and persistent embedded in a set of ten traits. The other half were shown the words reckless, conceited, aloof, and stubborn. After completing the “perception” experiment, the participants moved on to the second study on “reading comprehension,” in which they read the short paragraph about Donald and rated him on a number of trait scales. The paragraph is intentionally ambiguous about whether Donald is an adventurous, appealing sort or a reckless, unappealing person. The investigators interested in whether the words that participants encountered in the first experiment would lead them to apply different schemas and thus affect their evaluations of Donald. As the investigators expected, participants who had previously been exposed to the words adventurous, self-confident, independent, and persistent formed more favorable impressions of Donald than did those who had been exposed to the less flattering words. [채우시오], participants’ schemas about traits like adventurousness and recklessness influenced the kind of inferences they made about Donald. The broader point is that information stored in the brain can influence [how does people construe new information/how people construe new information]. This is most likely to occur when the stimulus, like many of Donald’s actions [are/is] ambiguous. In such cases, we must rely more heavily on topdown processes to compensate for the inadequacies of the information obtained from the bottom up.


첫번째 문제 마지막에서 5번째 줄 The broader point is that

2018/02/19 - [과목별 /영어] - the point is that~ (구문)


Q. []을 고르고, 밑줄 친 부분 중 틀린 것을 고르시오. 

The gauchos, [skilling/skilled] cattlemen of the grassy Argentine plains, are widely known to have played a significant role in Argentina’s national life. But, although the romantic figure of the traditional gaucho is famous, many people don’t realize that in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a new breed of gaucho arise in the Argentine plains, consisting of Jewish settlers from Eastern Europe. Eager to elude persecution they suffered in their original homes, they went to Argentina in search of a new version of the Promised Land. 

순서배열 문제는 아래의 주어 동사 찾는 지문과 관련하여 생각.

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