come in handy : 유용하다

ex) A laptop is come in handy in many ways.

down in the dumps : 슬픈, 우울한

ex) She's a bit down in the dumps because she's got to take her exams again.

down the drain : 노력이 수포로 돌아가다

ex) If the factory closes, that will be a million pounds' worth of investment down the drain.

have a ball : 즐거운 시간을 보내다

ex) So how was the party last night? Oh, we had a ball!!

have a hunch : ~ 예감이 들다

ex)I had a hunch that you'd be here.

have a big mouth : 입이 사다

ex) He has such a big mouth. 

have an ear for : 소질이 있다

ex) She's never had much of an ear for languages.

check out : 확인하다, 보다, 검토하다

ex) We'll need to check out his story.

cross one's mind : 생각이 떠오르다

ex) It never once crossed my mind that she might be unhappy.

butter up : 아부하다

ex) You'll have to butter them up a bit before they'll agree.

brag about : 자랑하다

ex) She's always bragging about how much money she earns.

break sb's heart : 상처를 주다

ex)  He's broken a lot of girls' hearts.

bring home the bacon : 생활비를 벌다; 성공하다

ex) I can't sit around all day - someone's got to bring home the bacon.

by the skin of your teeth : 간신히 ~하다

ex) He escaped from the secret police by the skin of his teeth.

by word of mouth : 구전으로, 입으로

ex) All the orders were given by word of mouth so that no written evidence could be discovered later.

butterflies in one's stomach : 초조해 하다

ex) I had terrible butterflies before I gave that talk in Venice.

catch one off guard : 방심한 틈을 타 놀라게 하다

ex) China caught the entire world off the guard.

catch one's eye : 관심을 끌다

ex) A sudden movement caught my eye.

be at loose ends : 할 일이 없어서 빈둥빈둥거리다

ex) Just before school starts, all the children are at loose ends.

ask for it: 화를 자초하다

ex) You've asked for it; not me

be fed up with: 질리다, 지겹다

ex) I'm fed up with my job.

at the discretion of : ~의 재량대로, 좋을대로

ex) Other days may be allowed, as provided for by the national government, but only at the discretion of management.

beat around the bush: 둘러 말하다

ex) Don't beat around the bush - get to the point!

beats me: 모른다

beat it: 가버려, 꺼져

behind bars: 감옥에 갇힌

break the ice: 어색함을 깨다

ex) Someone suggested that we play a party game to break the ice.

black sheep: 집안의 골칫거리

ex) He's the black sheep of the family.

blow one's top 화가 머리 끝까지 나다

ex) My father will blow his top when he sees what happened to the house.

black out: 기절하다; 정전되다

ex) I almost blacked out due to the lighting.

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