
many a 단수명사 단수동사

=many 복수명사 복수동사

의미: 많은 = a large number of (둘 다 같다)

many a 를 쓰는 경우는 옜날 표현, 시적, 문학적 표현, 격식을 위해서 사용

★many 문형

many 복수명사

many of 한정사 복수명사 : 대부분의 ~

many of 대명사 : 대부분의 ~

too/as/so many


<14지9-7>This way, travel agencies use modern technology to compensate for the inexperience of many agents on their payroll. 

이런 식으로, 여행사는 / 사용한다/ 현대 기술을/ 보충하기 위해/ 많은 에이전트의 미숙함을 / 그들의 명부에 있는

compensate for 보충하다, 메우다 

on one's payroll (어떤 기업의) 급여대상 명단

<13지9-13>Many of the poor, unable to find work all year round, and therefore unable to buy food everyday, have to manage their hunger by fasting on alternate days.

대부분의 가난한 사람들은/ 불가능한/ 일을 찾기가 / 일년내내/ 그러므로/ 불가능한/ 매일 음식을 사기에/ 그들의 배고픔을 관리해야 한다 / 굶주림으로써 / 격일로/

many of the poor, (which are) unable to find~~, and therefore (which are) unable to ~~, 

주어는 many of the poor, 동사 have to manage

the 형용사: 복수명사

fast 단식하다; 단식; 빠른; 빠르게

alternate 하나 거르는, 번갈아 일어나느

<14지9> 문 12. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 것은? 

① Many a careless walker was killed in the street. 

② Each officer must perform their duties efficient. 

③ However you may try hard, you cannot carry it out. 

④ German shepherd dogs are smart, alert, and loyalty

② 부사자리 efficiently ③ (however 주어 동사,)로 쓰일 경우 형용사나 부사는 however 다음에 ) however hard you may try ④ 동격(형용사, 형용사) loyalty -> loyal


<13지9> 문 7. 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? 

① George has not completed the assignment yet, and Mark hasn't either. 

② My sister was upset last night because she had to do too many homeworks. 

③ If he had taken more money out of the bank, he could have bought the shoes. 

④ It was so quiet in the room that I could hear the leaves being blown off the trees outside.

② many는 복수명사만 수식, homework는 불가산 명사 much homework


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