
제시문 중 중요 표현 정리한 다음, 정답 표시. 

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A: Can I ask you for a favor?

B: Yes, what is it?

A: I need to get to the airport for my business trip, but my car won't start. Can you give me a lift?

B: Sure. When do you need to be there by?

A: I have to be there no later than 6: 00.

B: It's 4:30 now. _________________________________. We'll have to leave right away.


That's cutting it close ② I took my eye off the ball ③ All that glitters is not gold ④ It's water under the bridge


give sb a lift?                누구를 태워주다            It’s water under the bridge 이미 지나간 일이다

no later than                 늦어도 ~까지                ask sb for a favor            ~에게 부탁을 하다

That’s cutting it close      아슬아슬하다                take one’s eye off the ball 중요한 것에서 눈을 떼다

                                                 catching up on things                부족한 것을 채우다  


8. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

A: Do you know how to drive?

B: Of course. I'm a great driver.

A: Could you teach me how to drive?

B: Do you have a learner's permit?

A: Yes, I got it just last week.

B: Have you been behind the steering wheel yet?

A: No, but I can't wait to _____________________.

take a rain check ② get my feet wet ③ get an oil change ④ change a flat tire


learner’s permit                         정식 운전면허가 나오기 전에 운전할 수 있는 증명서

be/sit behind the steering wheel   운전하다; 조종하다

take a rain check                       다음을 기약하다(제안, 초대 등 거절하면서 쓸 때 사용)

get one’s feet wet                     시작하다, 처음 해보다

flat tire                                   빠람 빠진 타이어

                                          hold up 정지하다, 견디다



Mary: Hi, James. How's it going?

James: Hello, Mary. What can I do for you today?

Mary: How can I arrange for this package to be delivered?

James: Why don't you talk to Bob in Customer Service?


     Sure. I will deliver this package for you. ② OK. Let me take care of Bob's customers. ③ I will see you at the Customs office. ④ I tried calling his number, but no one is answering.


how’s it going?= how are you? = what’s up? = how are you doing?   어떻게 지내니?

what can I do for you?               무엇을 도와드릴까요?

arrange for                              준비하다; 계획을 짜다

cf. account for                          설명하다; %를 차지하다

                                          Professor Lee is a well-rounded instructor. 다재 다능한



A: Wow! Look at the long line. I'm sure we have to wait at least 30 minutes.

B: You're right. _________________________________

A: That's a good idea. I want to ride the roller coaster.

B: It's not my cup of tea.

A: How about the Flume Ride then? It's fun and the line is not so long.

B: That sounds great! Let's go!


Let's find seats for the magic show. ② Let's look for another ride. ③ Let's buy costumes for the parade. ④ Let's go to the lost and found.

ride                            타다                            the lost and found          분실물 센터

It’s not my cup of tea      내 취향이 아니다. = It’s not my style.

costume                       의상, 복장

                                                                Don’t be too hard on      ~을 모질게 굴다




A: May I help you?

B: I bought this dress two days ago, but it's a bit big for me.

A: ______________________________________________

B: Then I'd like to get a refund.

A: May I see your receipt, please?

B: Here you are.

I'm sorry, but there's no smaller size. ② I feel like it fits you perfectly, though. ③ That dress sells really well in our store. ④ I'm sorry, but this purchase can't be refunded.


get a refund                 환불하다                     receipt             영수증

fit                               잘 어울린다      

                                                            He was in great spirits.    기분이 매우 좋은




A: Every time I use this home blood pressure monitor, I get a different reading. I think I'm doing it wrong. Can you show me how to use it correctly?

B: Yes, of course. First, you have to put the strap around your arm.

A: Like this? Am I doing this correctly?

B: That looks a little too tight.

A: Oh, how about now?

B: Now it looks a bit too loose. If it's too tight or too loose, you'll get an incorrect reading.

A: __________________________________

B: Press the button now. You shouldn't move or speak.

A: I get it.

B: You should see your blood pressure on the screen in a few moments.

I didn't see anything today. ② Oh, okay. What do I do next? ③ Right, I need to read the book. ④ Should I check out their website?


every time                    (접속사)~할 때마다 = whenever

strap                                                          loose               헐거운

check out                     확인하다; () 대출하다

                                                                believable          그럴 듯 한




A: I'd like to get a refund for this tablecloth I bought here yesterday.

B: Is there a problem with the tablecloth?

A: It doesn't fit our table and I would like to return it. Here is my receipt.

B: I'm sorry, but this tablecloth was a final sale item, and it cannot be refunded.

A: ______________________________________

B: It's written at the bottom of the receipt.

Nobody mentioned that to me. ② Where is the price tag? ③ What's the problem with it? ④ I got a good deal on it.


price tag                      가격표

                                                            relent               마음이 누그러지다



A: Hello? Hi, Stephanie. I'm on my way to the office. Do you need anything?

B: Hi, Luke. Can you please pick up extra paper for the printer?

A: What did you say? Did you say to pick up ink for the printer? Sorry, ________________________________

B: Can you hear me now? I said I need more paper for the printer.

A: Can you repeat that, please?

B: Never mind. I'll text you.

A: Okay. Thanks, Stephanie. See you soon.

    My phone has really bad reception here. ② I couldn't pick up more paper. ③ I think I've dialed the wrong number. ④ I'll buy each item separately this time.


be on the way to           ~로 가는 도중이다         bad reception     좋지 않은 신호상태

never mind                   신경쓰지마                   text                 문자를 보내다

                                                            conspicuous                 눈에 띄는




A: What business is on your mind?

B: Do you think that owning a flower shop has good prospects nowadays?

A: It could. But have you prepared yourself mentally and financially?

B: __________________________________________________.

A: Good! Then you should choose a strategic place and the right segment too. You must do a thorough research to have a good result.

B: I know that. It’s much easier to start a business than to run it well.

I plan to go to the hospital tomorrow ② I can't be like that! I must strive to get a job ③ I'm ready to start with what I have and take a chance ④ I don't want to think about starting my own business


own                            소유하다                      have good prospect        전망이 좋다

run                             운영하다                      thorough                     철저한

strive to                       ~하려고 애쓰다             I can’t be like that          나는 그럴 수 없어

take a chance                모험을 하다

                                                                stare off into space         멍하게 있다.



M: What's that noise?

W: Noise? I don't hear anything.

M: Listen closely. I hear some noise. _________________.

W: Oh, let's stop and see.

M: Look! A piece of glass is in the right front wheel.

W: Really? Umm... You're right. What are we going to do?

M: Don't worry. I got some experience in changing tires.

I gave my customers sound advice ② Maybe air is escaping from the tire ③ I think the mechanic has an appointment ④ Oh! Your phone is ringing in vibration mode


escape                        탈출하다; 빠져 나오다     mechanic                     정비공

sound advice                 지당한 충고

                                                                take on                        떠맡다



6. 밑줄 친 부분에 가장 적절한 것은?

A: I saw the announcement for your parents' 25th anniversary in yesterday's newspaper. It was really neat. Do you know how your parents met?

B: Yes. It was really incredible, actually, very romantic. They met in college, found they were compatible, and began to date. Their courtship lasted all through school.

A: No kidding! That's really beautiful. I haven't noticed anyone in class that I could fall in love with!

B: _________________________. Oh, well, maybe next semester!


     Me neither ② You shouldn't blame me ③ It is up to your parents ④ You'd better hang about with her


announcement              발표, 소식                    neat                깔끔한, 정갈한

courtship                     교제(연애)                    last                  지속되다

compatible                   사이 좋은; 양립될 수 있는

no kidding                   대박                            fall in love with 사랑에 빠지다

up to                          ~에 달려있다               

hang about with ~와 많은 시간을 보내다             =hang around with

                                                            out of favor                  인기가 없는


7. 밑줄 친 부분에 가장 적절한 것은?

A: Did you see Steve this morning?

B: Yes. But why does he _________________?

A: I don't have the slightest idea.

B: I thought he'd be happy.

A: Me too. Especially since he got promoted to sales manager last week.

B: He may have some problem with his girlfriend.


     have such a long face ② step into my shoes ③ jump on the bandwagon ④ play a good hand


long face                     우울한 얼굴                  step into sb’s shoes         ~의 후임이 되다

jump on the bandwagon 시류에 편승하다            play a good hand          멋진 수를 쓰다

I don’t have the slightest idea                  전혀 모르겠어.

                                                                get into full swing          최고조에 달하다




A: Look at this letter.

B: Ah yes, I thought it was something official looking. You're being fined for exceeding the speed limit, it says. Why weren't you fined on the spot?

A: _____________________________________________.

B: They're installing more and more of them around here. You're going to have to be more careful in future. A: You're not kidding. The fine is $60.

Because the spot was too busy to be fined ② Because I could not find any camera to take it ③ Because I already paid for it when I was fined ④ Because I was photographed by one of speed cameras

it says.                         여기에 써 있다.             on the spot                  현장에서; 즉시

fine                             벌금을 부과하다            speed limit                   제한 속도

exceed                         초과하다                      spot                            장소

you’re not kidding          말도 안돼                     install                          설치하다

                                                                installment                   할부

buy off                        (사람을)매수하다            store up                       비축하다



Tom: Frankly, I don't think my new boss knows what he is doing.

Jack: He is young, Tom. You have to give him a chance.

Tom: How many chances do I have to give him? He's actually doing terribly.

Jack: _________________________________.

Tom: What? Where? Jack: Over there. Your new boss just turned around the corner.

Speak of the devil ② I wish you good luck ③ Keep up the good work ④ Money makes the mare go


speak of the devil           호랑이도 제 말하면 온다 keep up the good work   지금처럼 계속 잘 해.

money makes the mare go                     돈 있으면 모든 된다

                                                            play down                    ~을 폄하하다

get off the ground          순조롭게 출발하다          get out of hand             감당할 수 없게 되다



4. , ㉡에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?

A: Have you written your term paper yet?

B: No, but I'll have plenty of time to do it next week.

A: That's what you said last week and the week before. You can't put it off forever. You should use your free time and do some work.

B: The truth is, I've in all my classes and I don't know if I can ever .

A: I'm sorry. But talking about it won't help at this point.

B: You're right. I'll start on it tomorrow.

A: Not tomorrow! Today!

 ① gone ahead/ make up ② kept leading/ cover up ③ lagged behind /catch up ④ been enthusiastic /follow up


term paper                   학기말 리포트               put off             미루다

go ahead                     앞서 가다                     make up           구성하다; 보충하다; 화장하다

cover up                      완전히 가리다               lag behind         뒤처지다

catch up                      따라 잡다                     follow up          ~을 덧붙이다; 더 알아보다

                                                                gimmick           비밀 장치, 속임수

Don’t be such a stranger 가끔 들르세요                chance customer 뜨내기 손님     


A: Oh, that was a wonderful dinner. That's the best meal I've had in a long time.

B: Thank you.

A: Can I give you a hand with the dishes?

B: Uh-uh, _________________. I'll do them myself later. Hey, would you like me to fix some coffee?

A: Thanks a lot. I'd love some. Would you mind if I smoke?

B: Why, not at all. Here, let me get you an ashtray.

① help yourself ② don't bother ③ if you insist ④ here they are


give sb a hand              도움을 주다                  help yourself      마음껏 드세요

not at all                      전혀                            ashtray             재떨이

don’t bother                 수고하지 마세요            fix                   준비하다

                                                                chance meeting 우연한 만남

conducted oneself          행동하다, 처신 하다



A: Hey, my poor buddy! What's the problem?

B: You know I took over this presentation all of a sudden. And tomorrow is the due date for the presentation. I couldn't even start it yet.

A: Look! I'm here for you. ______________________

① What are friends for? ② Everything's up in the air. ③ What does it have to do with me? ④ You'd better call a spade a spade.


take over                     떠맡다                         due date                      마감일

what are friends for?       친구 좋은 게 뭐겠어?      be up in the air              아직 미결정이다.

have sth to do with        ~와 관련이 있다.           call a spade a spade        솔직히 말하다

all of a sudden              갑자기                        

                                                                Give it to me straight      솔직히 말해봐



10. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?

A: What are you doing?

B: I'm looking at my calendar. I have a dental appointment tomorrow.

A: Tomorrow? But we're going to Jim's wedding tomorrow.

B: Yes, I know. __________________.

A: Is it for a regular checkup?

B: No. It's just for the cleaning.

① You must cancel the appointment ② You have to mark it on the calendar ③ I don't want to see my doctor ④ I need to reschedule it


dental appointment        치과 약속                     mark it on the calendar   일정표에 표시해 둬라

                                                     I’ve grown out of my clothes.                  옷이 작아졌어요.




A: You know, I'm getting transferred to Seoul.

B: Seoul? Is that good or bad?

A: Oh, I was hoping for it.

B: ____________.

     I really wanted to go to Seoul ② Oh, it's not easy for me ③ In that case, I'm happy for you ④ I appreciate your patience


해석:     있잖아, 나 서울로 전근 가.

           서울? 그거 좋아 나빠?

           나 이거 원했던 거야

그런 경우면, 나도 행복하다 (니가 좋으니까)

appreciate                    감사하다                      patience                       인내, 참을성



A: It doesn't make sense. Why should the power go off all of a sudden and the phone line?

B: Maybe some kind of an electrical storm or something.

A: _____________ Sky's just as blue as anything. Not a cloud. No lightening. No thunder. Nothing. How could it be a storm?


 ①That doesn't seem likely. ② You got the point. ③ Guess what? ④ I think so.


make sense                  이치에 맞다, 합리적이다  power                         전력

go off                          (전기가)나가다              

                             Good jobs are hard to come by.                          좋은 것은 얻기 힘들다.




A: Would you like to get some coffee?

B: That's a good idea.

A: Should we buy Americano or Cafe-Latte?

B: It doesn't matter to me. ___________

A: I think I'll get Americano.

B: Sounds great to me.

     Not really. ② Suit yourself. ③ Come see for yourself. ④ Maybe just a handful or so.


would you like to           ~하고 싶니?                  It doesn’t matter            중요하지 않다.

suit oneself                   자기 마음대로 하다        a handful (of)                한 움큼

or so                                            

                                                                pull one’s weight            임무를 다하다



A: ____________

B: Today is Monday, so you can have it until next Monday.

A: Can I have the book for a few more days?

B: No. Books borrowed should be returned within one week.

A: Is there any way to keep this book for around 10 days?

B: Well, I'm afraid there isn't. You'll just have to renew the book for another week.

 ①What date is it? ② When is this book due? ③ I'd like to return this book. ④ This book can be checked out in due form, right?


in due form                  정식으로, 제대로,           when is this book due?    책 마감기간이 언제에요?

                              As long as you promise to go easy on me.             ~를 관대하게 대하다



A: Are you ready to go to the party, Amy?

B: I don't know whether I can go. I'm feeling a little sick, and my dress is really not that nice. Maybe you should just go without me.

A: Come on, Amy. Stop ____________. I know you too well. You're not sick. What is the real root of the problem?

① shaking a leg ② hitting the ceiling ③ holding your horses ④ beating around the bush


shake a leg                   빨리빨리 움직여라          hit the ceiling                격노하다

hold your horses            흥분하지 마라               beat around the bust      둘러 말하다

                                                                tear down                    헐다, 해제하다

pull out of                    철수하다, 손을 떼다        fix dinner                     저녁 식사를 준비하다

beat one’s brains           머리를 짜내다               weigh the consequences 결과를 신중히 고려하다

hit 관련 표현은 ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

2018/08/22 - [공무원 시험/공무원 영어 기출] - 2017 경찰 영어 1차 기출문제 및 정답/ 단어/ 첨삭본- hit 관련 표현

해설 포함☞☞☞

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