서울시 9급 영어


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2018 서울시 영어 9급.pdf

muzzle                        입마개를 씌우다            disobedient                             반항하는

authorities                    정부                           authority                                 권위

assert                          주장하다, 단언하다         suppress                                 억누르다

pompous                     젠체하는, 거만한            presumptuous               주제넘은, 건방진

genuine                       진짜의                         ingenuous                               순진한

counter-                      -                             coercive                                  강압적인

perpetuate                   영속시키다                   recognition                              인식, 인정

extensive                     광범위한                      attenuate                                약화시키다

call it a day                  마무리하다                   initiate                         시작하다, 개시하다

close-knit                     긴밀하게 연결된            pious                          경건한, 독실한

orthodox                     정파의                         heterodox                               이교의

admiration                   존경                           doctrinaire                               교조적인

cut down                     자르다, 벌목하다            foster home                  양부모의 집

contemporary               동시대의, 현대의            integral                                   필수적인

be met with                  ~을 직면하다                integrate                                 통합하다

surly                           무례한, 퉁명스러운         brand new                               새로운

prestige                       위신, 명망                    the wear and tear           마모, 감가상각

prerequisite                  전제조건                      fertilization                   비옥화, 수정

pollination                    수분작용                      indispensable                           필수적인

requisite                      필수적인                      reinforce                                 강화시키다

omnipresent                 널리 퍼진                     imperative                               필수적인

faulty                          잘못된                         eternal                                    영원한

reasonable                   합리적인                      conforming                              순응하는

deplorable                    개탄스러운                   inconvenient                            불편한

at times                       가끔씩                         quincentenary                          500주년

jubilee                         기념일, 기념제              legacy                                    유산

harbinger                     조짐, 징조                    exploitation                             착취

reckless                       무분별한                      neglect                                   방치하다

fair                             박람회                         reversal                                   반전

divinely                       신성하게                      ordain                                    임명하다

run-down                     황폐한, 낡은                 lure                                       유혹하다

look back on                 ~을 회상하다               cast away                                버리다

abandon                      그만두다, 버리다            disregard                                무시하다

betray                         배신하다                      buttress            지지하다, 힘을 실어 주다

abuse                          학대하다                      label                           상표를 붙이다

nocturnal                     야행성의                      diurnal                                    주행성의

flatten                         펼치다, 납작하게 만들다 bulge                                     부풀리다

clown                          광대                           rodent-ridden                쥐가 들끓는

benefit                        이롭게 하다                  blatant                        노골적인, 뻔한

prospective parents 장래의 부모들


[1] Man has continued to be disobedient to authorities who tried to muzzle new thoughts and to the authority of long-established opinions which declared a change to be nonsense.

[2] You don’t want your writing to be too informal and colloquial, but you also don’t want to sound like someone you’re not―like your professor or boss, for instance, or the Rhodes scholar teaching assistant.

[5] His survival over the years since independence in 1961 does not alter the fact that the discussion of real policy choices in a public manner has hardly occurred.

[7] An extensive research on aggressive behavior and the coercive family concludes that an aversive consequence may also elicit an aggressive reaction and accelerate ongoing coercive behavior.

[8] He studied philosophy under Durkheim’s supervision at Bordeaux; Durkheim took endless trouble in guiding his nephew’s studies and even chose subjects for his own lectures that would be most useful to Mauss. Thus Mauss was initially a philosopher(like most of the early Durkheimians), and his conception of philosophy was influenced above all by Durkheim himself, for whom he always retained the utmost admiration.

[10] Even works of art which are fresh from the studio are met with enthusiasm.

[20] Democracy is also not an absolute term―Napoleon used elections and referenda to legitimize his hold on power, as do leaders today in West Africa and Southeast Asia.


[1] Man has continued to /be disobedient to authorities /who tried to muzzle new thoughts /and to the authority of long-established opinions which declared a change to be nonsense.

 인간은 계속 해왔다/ 당국에 불복종하기를/  새로운 사상을 억압하려고 하는/ 그리고 권위에/ 오랫동안 성립되 왔던 의견의/ (그것은) 변화가 무의미하다고 선언했던/


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