
whether or if?

<당신은 당신이 할 수 있거나 당신이 할 수 없다고 생각하는 거와 관계없이, 당신은 옳다>-용법2 관련

품사: 접속사

정의: whether은 보통 두 가지 가능성 중 어느 것이 확실한지 모를 때 쓴다; 두 가지 선택, 대안을 제시할 때 사용. 

I can’t decide whether to paint the wall green or blue. (or to paint the wall blue)

She didn’t know whether he was laughing or crying.

She doesn’t know whether her son is dead or alive.

She asked me whether I was married. I don’t know whether she will come.



 1.    간접의문문, whether …or (if로 대체 가능) -either은 불가

간접의문문에서 whether(or if)은 생략 불가.

if 가 대체 불가능할 때

1)    to 부정사 앞에는 사용 불가

2)    전치사 다음에도 사용 불가

3)    whether 다음 ‘or not’이 나올 때

2.     (~와 관계없이-중요하지 않다상황은 같기 때문에) -either 못 쓰임.

3.    주절의 주어가 whether의 주어와 같으면 whether toR 나 whether 절로 사용가능.

1.    간접의문문, whether …or (if로 대체 가능) -either은 불가

간접의문문에서 whether(or if)은 생략 불가.

I want to find out whether/if the rooms have a shower or not.

Not: I want to find out the rooms have a shower or not. (X)

They asked me whether (if) I was tired. (original question: Are you tired?)

Not: They asked me I was tired.(X)

We can’t say whether tourism is harmful or beneficial.

Not: We can’t say either tourism is harmful or beneficial.(X)


if 가 대체 불가능할 때

1)    to 부정사 앞에는 사용 불가

 I can’t decide whether to accept that job.

(NOT I can’t decide if to accept that job.)

2)    전치사 다음에도 사용 불가

There are doubts about whether the judgment was fair.

3)    whether 다음 ‘or not’이 나올 때

The question is whether or not we have the right to interfere.

(NOT The question is if or not…)

cf 그러나 or이 나중에 나오는 경우 쓸 수 있음. 다만 whether을 더 정확하다고 간주.

It is not clear whether the source of information is reliable or not. (Formal)

It is not clear if the source of information is reliable or not. (Very informal)

2.     (~와 관계없이-중요하지 않다; 상황은 같기 때문에) -either 못 쓰임.

He always said what he thought, whether it was polite or not.

Not: … either it was polite or not.

Whether we go by road or rail, the journey will take at least four hours.               우리가 도로나 철도로 가든지 상관없이, 그 여행은 적어도 4시간이 걸릴 것이다.

이러한 의미를 사용할 때 문장의 끝이나 앞에 올 수 있다. 보통 명령을 할 때 사용.

Whether you like it or not, you’re going to have to look after your sister.

(or You’re going to have to look after your sisterwhether you like it or not.)

니가 좋든 싫든, 너는 니 동생을 돌봐야 할 꺼야.

< 15국회직 9급 기출>8. 다음 중 문법상 옳지 않은 것은?

With no seat at the table, the man had no choice but to stand there. Whether mistakes were made and things just didn’t work out, he had to apologize. ③ The steps toward the goal can be practiced only by oneself. ④ There were nearly 5.6 million open jobs at the end of May. The number of women who own guns has been rising rapidly over the past decade.

정답은  2andor(해석: 실수였든지 상황이 여의치 않았든지 상관없이, 너는 사과해야 한다)

3.    주절의 주어가 whether의 주어와 같으면 whether toR whether 절로 사용가능.

다를 경우 whether

같을 경우

주어가 다를 경우

We’re not sure whether to stay here for dinner or go somewhere else.

(whether + to + 부정사)


We’re not sure whether we’ll stay here for dinner or go somewhere else.

(whether + )

We’re not sure whether he’ll stay here for dinner or go somewhere else.

(whether + )




국가직 7급 영어 기출문제

2016년부터 2007까지

통합본& 각 기출

국가직 7급 영어(2016~2007).pdf

2016 국가직 7급 영어-2.pdf

2015 국가직 7급 영어-3.pdf

2014 국가직 7급 영어-A.pdf

2013 국가직 7급 영어-인 (1).pdf

2012 국가직 7급영어-인.pdf

2011 국가직 7급 영어-우.pdf

2010 국가직 7급 영어 (1).pdf

2009 국가직 7급 영어 (2).pdf

2008 국가직 7급 영어 (3).pdf

2007 국가직 7급 영어 (4).pdf

국가직 영어 7급


2016: 1 1 2 2 4 /1 3 3 3 2 /4 4 2 3 4 /1 1 1 4 2 

2015: 4 3 2 2 3 /3 3 1 3 4 /1 2 4 3 2 /1 1 2 3 1 

2014: 4 4 3 3 2 4 3 3 2 1 3 1 1 4 2 2 2 4 2 1

2013: 21133 / 12324 / 31113 / 44424

2012: 12132 / 42311 / 14312 / 12334

2011: 41434 / 33431 / 22224 / 32131

2010: 14234 / 21232 / 23134 / 32141

2009: 14413 / 21322 / 32143 / 43223

2008: 42432 / 11441 / 14223 / 23132

2007: 24144 / 32242 / 21223 / 12234


one of the + 최상급 형용사 복수명사 

most+ 복수명사

most of the 복수명사

관사 부사 형용사 명사

so/as/too/how/however/that +형용사 + a/an + 명사

what/such/quite + a/an + 명사

all/double/half/both the + 명사

many a 단수명사 + 단수동사

예문은 아래.

★one of the + 최상급 형용사 + 복수명사 

He is one of the best baseball players I’ve ever seen in my life.

 그는 최고의 야구선수 중의 하나이다/ 내가 봐왔었던/ 내 인생에서

most+ 복수명사

most of the 복수명사

Most Americans eat fast food.= Most of the Americans eat fast food.

*Most of Americans eat fast food.

★관사 + 부사 + 형용사 + 명사

He is a very honest student.

★so/as/too/how/however/that +형용사 + a/an + 명사

It was so difficult a problem for her to solve.  (너무 ~해서 ~하다)

 이것은 너무 어려운 문제이다/ 그녀가 풀기에

She is as good a jumper as he. (~하다 ~만큼)

그녀는 점프를 잘한다/ 그만큼

This is too good a chance to skip. (너무~해서 ~ 수 없다/너무 ~해서 ~하다) 

이것은 너무 좋은 기회이다/ 놓치기에

How big a bag did you lose? (얼마나~)

얼마나 큰 가방을 당신은 잃어버렸습니까?

However serious a problem you may have, you should be able to solve it. (아무리 ~할 지라도-양보)

아무리 심각한 문제를 당신이 가지더라도, 당신은 이것을 풀 수 있을 것이다.  

★what/such/quite + a/an + 명사

What a nice surprise! 정말 뜻밖에 기쁜 소식이군요!

What a pretty dog! 정말 예쁜 강아지군요!

The singer has such a beautiful voice. 그 가수는 정말 아름다운 목소리를 가지었다.

He is quite a guy. 그는 꽤 남자다.

★all/double/half/both the + 명사

I know all the teachers here in this school. 

I got ripped off. I paid double the normal price.

나는 바가지 씌였어. 나는 정상가보다 두 배를 더 지불했다.

I saw only half the performance.

나는 공연의 절반만 봤다.

cf. Both the brothers passed the examination -> Both brothers passed the examination.


※all +(of)+the + 명사

수량표현 all과 명사 사이에는 정관사 the와 함께 all the 명사.

다음의 경우 생략 가능: 명사 앞에 숫자’ :all (the) six people

관용 표현: all night, all day, all year, all winter



국회직 8급 영어 기출문제

2018년부터 2007까지

통합본& 각 기출

국회직 8급 영어(2018~2008).pdf

2018 국회직 8급 영어 (1).pdf

2017 국회직 8급 영어 (17).pdf

2016 국회직 8급 영어 (16).pdf

2015 국회직 8급.pdf

2014 국회직 8급 영어 (14).pdf

2013 국회직 8급 8급-영어(가형).pdf

2012 국회직 8급 영어 (13).pdf

2011 국회직 8급 영어 (12).pdf

2010 국회직 8급 영어 (11).pdf

2009 국회직 8급 영어 (10).pdf

2008 국회직 8급 영어 (9).pdf

2007 국회직 8급 영어 (8).pdf

국회직 8급 영어


2018: 22434 / 51354 / 11312 / 13532 / 25354

2017: 41521 / 41332 / 45243 / 54352 / 54254

2016: 35115 / 24542 / 44432 / 15525 / 31442

2015: 32244 / 43542 / 43431 / 22251 / 45352 

2014: 22253 / 12314 / 33414 / 12525 / 54513

2013: 52434 / 14525 / 33215 / 43212 / 31254

2012: 51434 / 54251 / 52413 / 13512 / 13352

2011: 12125 / 51444 / 35523 / 12435 / 33524

2010: 13313 / 42525 / 44312 / 41455 / 25452

2009: 12332 / 45244 / 51352 / 34511 / 53425

2008: 15253 / 33245 / 43245 / 21331 / 55425

2007: 11215 / 21523 / 31452 / 33524 / 53245 



!합격의 시작은 기출문제!

국회직 9급 영어 기출문제

2017년부터 2009까지

통합본& 각 기출

2017~2009 국회직 9급 영어.pdf

 2017 영어 (5).pdf

2016 영어.pdf

2015 영어 (2).pdf

2014 영어 (1).pdf

2013영어 (1).pdf

2012 영어 (2).pdf

2011영어 (3).pdf

2010 영어 (4).pdf

2009 영어.pdf

국회직 9급 영어


2017: 53434 / 32544 / 31522 / 11512 

2016: 35435 / 11425 / 15243 / 21423 

2015: 45321 / 21252 / 45234 / 32414

2014: 51533 / 14213 / 13224 / 55244

2013: 35434 / 15252 / 35124 / 13452

2012: 42314 / 34525 / 41523 / 15312

2011: 15435 / 11325 / 35443 / 41322

2010: 14525 / 21325 / 44133 / 24532

2009: 24321 / 21525 / 53335 / 55524


국회직 9급 영어문법 모음(인쇄절약용)

17~08 국회직 9급 영문법 문제.pdf

17~08 국회직 9급 영문법 문제- 정답.pdf

4. 다음 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절한 표현은?

When the detective interrogated Steve about the incident, he remembered __________ a black figure passing by. But he couldn’t be sure of what it was.      seen ② to see ③ seeing ④ being seen ⑤ to be seen

5. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?

Many pharaohs’ tombs ① were sealed so tightly that the outside air could not get inside. When this happens, certain bacteria ② grow in the oxygen-free environment and they could be very harmful if ③ inhaled. Other types of organisms like molds and fungi could also ④ present, some of which can cause serious health problems. For these reasons, modern archaeologists, unlike those in the 1920s, ⑤ wear protective filter masks and gloves when entering a tomb for the first time.

9. 다음 밑줄 친 (A) (B)에 들어갈 가장 적절한 표현은?

Even though freedom of speech is controlled to an extent by the government in Singapore, one Internet site established by a non-governmental organization (A) in Singapore, (B) Think Center, polled Singaporeans on their view on the death penalty.

 ① operating - calling ② operated - called ③ operation - calling ④ operating - called ⑤ operated – calling

14. 다음 문장 중 어법상 틀린 것은?

Not having met him before, I don’t know him. ② Comparing with his sister, she is not so pretty. ③ This is a picture of a couple walking together. ④ Returning to my apartment, I found my watch missing. ⑤ The old man could not see his son until allowed to do so.

15. 다음 문장 중 어법상 맞는 것은?

I like that you will await for me. ② You’d better attend to your study. ③ She resembles to her mother very closely. ④ He explained me the meaning of the sentence. ⑤ If you are free now, I want to discuss about it with you.

4. 다음 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절한 표현을 고르시오.

Passive investments by Korean investors to the overseas markets are likely to continue in the second half of the year, especially with global economic expansion ______________.

is likely to further retreat ② is likely to be further retreated ③ likely to further retreat ④ likely to be further retreat ⑤ like to further retreat

5. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오. If you haven’t been living under a rock lately, ①you have most likely seen these cool new toys that have become extremely popular ②with celebrities and everyday people alike―the self balancing scooter with two wheels. ③They can go at a speed around 8km/h to 20km/h, ④depending on the model. It is lightweight, smart and easy to move and fun to ride. And it takes some time ⑤being used to.

12. 다음 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절한 표현을 고르시오.

My girlfriend is not the sort of woman who would go back ______ her word.

     to ② up ③ against ④ into ⑤ on

14. 다음 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절한 표현을 고르시오.

While creating the mouse, Douglas was working at the Stanford Research Institute. The mouse was originally referred ____ an “X-Y Position Indicator for a Display System.” With the cord coming out of the back of the computer mouse, Douglas said the device reminded him of the rodent mouse and the name stuck.                                                                  as ② to with ③ by with ④ to as ⑤ on

15. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오.

Although there ②had been resistance to the high rate of immigration during the nineteenth century, only in the early twentieth century ③was several laws ④passed that restricted both the number of people who could come to the United States and where they could come ⑤from.

16. 다음 밑줄 친 make의 문법상 올바른 형태를 고르시오.

It is highly exhilarating to contemplate the progress make in the study of English since the opening years of this century. That assertion, too often repeated, that Englishmen are not really interested in their own language, is no longer valid. At last we English are showing an awakened interest in our mother tongue as something living and changing.                          making ② made ③ is made ④ makes ⑤ has made

7. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 옳지 않은 것은?

Problems can ① be appeared unsolvable. We are social animals who need to ②discuss our problems with others. When we are alone, problems become more ③serious. By sharing, we can get opinions and find solutions. An experiment was conducted with a group of women who had low satisfaction in life. Some of the women were introduced to others ④who were in similar situations, and some of the women were left on their own ⑤ to deal with their concerns. Those who interacted with others reduced their concerns by 55 percent over time, but those who were left on their own showed no improvement.

8. 다음 중 문법상 옳지 않은 것은?

With no seat at the table, the man had no choice but to stand there. Whether mistakes were made and things just didn’t work out, he had to apologize. ③ The steps toward the goal can be practiced only by oneself. ④ There were nearly 5.6 million open jobs at the end of May. The number of women who own guns has been rising rapidly over the past decade.

9. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Scientists say the Philae space probe has gathered data supporting the theory that comets can serve as cosmic laboratories _________ some of the essential elements for life are assembled.

what ② in what ③ which ④ of which ⑤ in which

10. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 옳지 않은 것은? Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University ①have found that individuals who spend even a few hours a week on-line ②experiences higher levels of depression and loneliness than ③those who spend less or no time on the Internet. They also found that individuals who use the Internet more tend to decrease their communication with other family members and ④reduce the size of their social circle. These findings are counterintuitive to ⑤what we know about how socially the Internet is used.

12. 다음 문장을 영어로 옮길 때 가장 적절한 것은?

많은 전문가들이 한국의 대()중국 자동차 수출이 작년부터 계속 감소해오고 있는 것을 우려하고 있다.

Many experts are worried that China has decreased its exports since last year.

Many experts are concerned that Korean car exports to China decreased continuously last year.

Many experts are worried that Korean car exports to China have stopped decreasing continuously since last year.

Many experts are worried that Korean car exports to China have decreased continuously last year.

Many experts are concerned that Korean car exports to China have been continuously decreasing since last year.

5. 다음 중 문법상 틀린 것을 고르면?

Tomato was borrowed from Mexico and pajamas from India. ② Our sandwich was named after a man named Sandwich. That magnificent five-centuries-old palace was constructed by the Korean. ④ Placed 100 yards apart are tall towers. In the outback are huge sheep and cattle ranches called "stations."

6. 다음의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 틀린 것을 고르면?

The number of new employees ①who requires extensive ②training in customer service procedures ③ has declined since the company ④changed employment ⑤agencies.

7. 다음 중 문법상 틀린 것을 고르면?

Which candidate do you think likes oysters on the half-shell? ② How come you are so late? ③ There is a man in the garden, isn't there? ④ Is he suppose to be here right now? ⑤ Why was work on Mount Rushmore finally discontinued?

9. 다음 문장을 영어로 옮긴 것 중 가장 어색한 것을 고르면?

① 이상하게 들릴지 모르겠지만 그것은 사실이다. -> Though it sounds strangely, it is quite true. ② 나는 아침에 일찍 일어나는 데 익숙하다. -> I am used to getting up early in the morning. ③ 그녀가 울음을 터뜨린다고 해서 놀라지 마십시오. -> Don't be surprised even if she suddenly bursts into tears. ④ 그에게 부족한 것이 없다. -> He lacks for nothing. ⑤ 그것을 누가했든, 그것이 무엇이든지 간에 별로 상관없다. -> It matters little who did it or what it was

11. 다음의 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절한 표현을 고르면?

Josh hasn't begun working on his today's assignment _________ working on his yesterday's.

     yet because he is still ② still because he is yet ③ yet as a result he is still ④ still as a result he is yet ⑤ already however he is yet

14. 다음의 밑줄 친 (A) (B)에 들어갈 가장 적절한 표현을 고르면?

James got four letters. One was from his father. (A) one was from his brother. (B) letters were from his friend.

① Another - Other ② Another - The other ③ The other - Another ④ The other - Other ⑤ Other - The other

2. 다음 세 문장의 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말이 순서대로 짝지어진 것은?

A. The girl ________ a poor figure in her old jacket. B. The house _________ a fine view of the sea. C. She _______ tears at the sad news.

looks - commands - shed ② looks - commands - tore ③ looks - observes - tore ④ cuts - observes - tore ⑤ cuts - commands – shed

6. 다음 문장을 가장 자연스럽게 옮긴 것은?우리는 건강을 잃고 나서야 비로소 건강의 가치를 깨닫는다.

It is not until we lose our health that we realize the value of it. ② No sooner had we realized the value of our health when we lost it. ③ We will realize the value of our health even though we lose it. ④ It will not be long before we realize the value of our health. ⑤ Our ill health prevents us from realizing the value of it.

7. 다음 세 문장의 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말이 순서대로 짝지어진 것을 고르시오.

A. We must read the next chapter _________ tomorrow. B. We stayed at the bar ________ 4:00 AM. C. It's been raining on and off ________ last Sunday.

by - by - since ② till - till - since ③ till - by - from ④ by - till - from ⑤ by - till – since

2018/08/08 - [영어공부/영어 일반 & 영어단어] - by와 util/till의 차이

8. 다음 중 문법적으로 틀린 곳을 고르시오. The heat wave of the summer ①is hitting the Seoul Metropolitan area this week. With that swelter ②comes the chances of heat stroke or heat exhaustion. Heat stroke occurs when the body loses its ability ③to regulate its temperature. Heat exhaustion is a bit different because it can develop ④over several days as a result of ⑤exposure to high temperatures and the failure to replace fluids.

1.  A: I hope my parents don't miss the beginning of the performance. B: I think they'll _______________ to see it.

 enough early arrive ② enough arrive early ③ arrive enough early ④ arrive early enough ⑤ early enough arrive

2018/08/08 - [영어공부/영어 일반 & 영어단어] - (형용사, 부사) enough (명사)용법, 의미, 표현

7. We really have to discuss this problem. ② You are the only one I can rely on. ③ She closely resembles her mother. ④ You must obey to your senior officers. ⑤ The minister will address the public tonight.

8. According to Greek myth, Theseus was able to find ①his way back out of the Labyrinth, a maze of passages and galleries ②built to house a fearful monster, ③by following a strand of wool that he had slowly unrolled from a large ball ④as he penetrated deeper and deeper into the bowels of the ⑤confused building.

19. 다음 문장을 영어로 옮길 때 가장 적합한 것을 고르시오.

남편을 2년 동안이나 기다려도 돌아오지 않자, 그녀의 희망은 시간이 지남에 따라 절망으로 바뀌었다.

① Her hope gave way to despair as time went by after she had waited for her husband only to fail for two years. ② Her hope made shift to despair as time went by after she had waited for her husband only to fail for two years. ③ Her hope turned to despair as time went by after she had failed to wait for her husband during two years. ④ Her hope changed to despair as time went by after she failed to wait for her husband for two years. ⑤ Her hope slipped away to despair as time went by after she had failed for her husband only to wait during two years.

4. Communication is ①very often a way to exchange information or ②share thoughts and feelings ③what bring you closer to others. In addition, one of the most basic reasons ④for communicating is ⑤to get things that you need.

5. Playing dice has been ①a popular game for Western people, and 6 ②is considered to be the strongest number since it is the biggest number from a dice. Meanwhile, 7 is regarded ③as the lucky number probably because it is ④most likely to have 7 in a dice game when you roll two dice at ⑤a same time.

6. 다음 세 문장의 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말이 순서대로 짝지어진 것은?

Many a student to pass the exam. A number of people late for work because there was a traffic accident. I could not read every of the library.

tries-were-book ② try-was-books ③ tries-was-book ④ try-were-books ⑤ tries-was-books

7. 다음 문장을 가장 자연스럽게 옮긴 것은?                      나는 날씨가 나빠서 낚시를 가지 못했다.

The bad weather prevented me from going fishing. ② I could not help going fishing because of the bad weather. ③ Regardless of the bad weather, I gave up going fishing. ④ If the weather were bad, I could go fishing. ⑤ Even though it was bad, I had no choice but go fishing.

5. 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법적으로 옳지 않은 것은?

Marriage ① is certainly not the only source of ② interpersonal intimacy, but ③it is ④ still the first choice for ⑤most of Americans.

7. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

We have so many tasks which need in all phases of medicine, public health, agriculture, industry and basic research, that we cannot possibly hope to carry them out without help from people of many levels of ability.                                          doing ② to do ③ being done ④ to doing ⑤ to be being done

8. 밑줄 친 부분 (A) (B)에 들어갈 것끼리 바르게 짝지어 진 것은?

Blacks are the largest racial minority in the United States. In the 1860s, amendments (A) the Constitution made these former slaves free and gave them all the rights of citizenship, including the right to vote. However, in the South many whites were determined to keep blacks (B) enjoying these rights.

(A) (B) ① of - to ② to - by ③ to - from ④ of - with ⑤ at - from

9. 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법적으로 옳지 않은 것은? Many famous people did not enjoy immediate success in their early ①lives. Abraham Lincoln, who was one of the truly great ②president of the United ③States, ran for public ④office 26 times and lost 23 of ⑤the elections.

10. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?

A competing firm ________ Tom a job before we made our offer.

     may already offer ② already may offer ③ may already offered ④ already may have offered ⑤ may have already offered

6. It is not easy to determine precisely ___________.

what does the center of the earth consist of ② what the center of the earth consists of ③ the center of the earth consists of what ④ of what does the center of the earth consist ⑤ what of the center of the earth consists

7. A car has several sections with moving parts, ____________ of those parts is essential.

and good lubrication ② and well lubricated ③ good lubrication ④ well lubricated ⑤ and well lubricating

8. The flora of the arid American Southwest is less varied than _________________.

the Southeast is semi-tropical ② it is the semi-tropical Southeast ③ it is semi-tropical in the Southeast ④ the semi-tropical Southeast ⑤ that of the semi-tropical Southeast

9. A ①huge ②amount of immigrants ③passed ④through the Great Hall ⑤on Ellis Island between 1892 and 1954.

10. Water particles ①carried to ②a great height freeze into ice particles and ③are swept upward and ④refrozen repeatedly until they are ⑤enough heavy to fall as hail.


국가직 9급 영어문법 모음(인쇄절약용)

18~09 국가직 9급 영문법 문제.pdf

18~09 국가직 9급 영문법 정답.pdf

푸는 방법.  번호 마다 ox해 본다- 정답은 틀린 부분 옳게 고침.

문 4. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? 

It would be difficult ①to imagine life without the beauty and richness of forests. But scientists warn we cannot take our forest for ② granted. By some estimates, deforestation ③has been resulted in the loss of as much as eighty percent of the natural forests of the world. Currently, deforestation is a global problem, ④affecting wilderness regions such as the temperate rainforests of the Pacific. 

문 10. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? 

Focus means ①getting stuff done. A lot of people have great ideas but don't act on them. For me, the definition of an entrepreneur, for instance, is someone who can combine innovation and ingenuity with the ability to execute that new idea. Some people think that the central dichotomy in life is whether you're positive or negative about the issues ②that interest or concern you. There's a lot of attention ③paying to this question of whether it's better to have an optimistic or pessimistic lens. I think the better question to ask is whether you are going to do something about it or just ④let life pass you by. 

문 20. 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것은? ① 그 연사는 자기 생각을 청중에게 전달하는 데 능숙하지 않 았다. →The speaker was not good at getting his ideas across to the audience. ② 서울의 교통 체증은 세 계 어느 도시보다 심각하다. →The traffic jams in Seoul are more serious than those in any other city in the world. ③ 네가 말하고 있는 사람과 시선을 마주치는 것은 서양 국가에서 중요하다. →Making eye contact with the person you are speaking to is important in western countries. ④ 그는 사람들이 생각했 던 만큼 인색하지 않았다는 것이 드러났다. →It turns out that he was not so stingier as he was thought to be. 

문 3. ① 그 클럽은 입소문을 통해서 인기를 얻었다. →The club became popular by word of mouth. ② 무 서운 영화를 좋아한다면 이것은 꼭 봐야 할 영화이다. →If you like scary movies, this is a must-see movie. ③ 뒤쪽은 너무 멀어요. 중간에 앉는 걸로 타협합시다. →The back is too far away. Let's promise and sit in the middle. ④ 제 예산이 빠듯합니다. 제가 쓸 수 있는 돈은 15달러뿐입니다. →I am on a tight budget. I only have fifteen dollars to spend. 

문 4. ① 식사가 준비됐을 때, 우리는 식당으로 이동했다. →The dinner being ready, we moved to the dining hall. ② 저쪽에 있는 사람이 누구인지 알겠니? →Can you tell who that is over there? ③ 이 질병이 목숨을 앗아가는 일은 좀처럼 없다. →It rarely happens that this disease proves fatal. ④ 과정을 관리하면 서 발전시키는 것이 나의 목표였다. →To control the process and making improvement was my objectives. 

문 13. ① Undergraduates are not allowed to using equipments in the laboratory. ② The extent of Mary's knowledge on various subjects astound me. ③ If she had been at home yesterday, I would have visited her. ④ I regret to inform you that your loan application has not approved. 

문 14. ① My father was in the hospital during six weeks. ② The whole family is suffered from the flu. ③ She never so much as mentioned it. ④ She would like to be financial independent. 

문 5. 어법상 옳은 것은? ① They didn't believe his story, and neither did I. ② The sport in that I am most interested is soccer. ③ Jamie learned from the book that World War I had broken out in 1914. ④ Two 

factors have made scientists difficult to determine the number of species on Earth. 

문 6. 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? ① A few words caught in passing set me thinking. ② Hardly did she enter the house when someone turned on the light. ③ We drove on to the hotel, from whose balcony we could look down at the town. ④ The homeless usually have great difficulty getting a job, so they are losing their hope. 

문 15. ① 이 편지를 받는 대로 곧 본사로 와 주십시오. →Please come to the headquarters as soon as you receive this letter. ② 나는 소년 시절에 독서하는 버릇을 길러 놓았어야만 했다. →I ought to have formed a habit of reading in my boyhood. ③ 그는 10년 동안 외국에 있었기 때문에 영어를 매우 유창하 게 말할 수 있다. →Having been abroad for ten years, he can speak English very fluently. ④ 내가 그때 그 계획을 포기했었다면 이렇게 훌륭한 성과를 얻지 못했을 것이다. →Had I given up the project at that time, I should have achieved such a splendid result. 

문 16. ① 그 회의 후에야 그는 금융 위기의 심각성을 알아차렸다. →Only after the meeting did he recognize the seriousness of the financial crisis. ② 장관은 교통문제를 해결하기 위해 강 위에 다리를 건 설해야 한다고 주장했다. →The minister insisted that a bridge be constructed over the river to solve the traffic problem. ③ 비록 그 일이 어려운 것이었지만, Linda는 그것을 끝내기 위해 최선을 다했다. →As difficult a task as it was, Linda did her best to complete it. ④ 그는 문자 메시지에 너무 정신이 팔려서 제 한속도보다 빠르게 달리고 있다는 것을 몰랐다. →He was so distracted by a text message to know that he was going over the speed limit. 


문 5. 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것은? ① 나의 이모는 파티에서 그녀를 만난 것을 기억하지 못했다. →My aunt didn't remember meeting her at the party. ② 나의 첫 책을 쓰는 데 40년이 걸렸다. →It took me 40 years to write my first book. ③ 학교에서 집으로 걸어오고 있을 때 강풍에 내 우산이 뒤집혔다. →A strong wind blew my umbrella inside out as I was walking home from school. ④ 끝까지 생존하는 생 물은 가장 강한 생물도, 가장 지적인 생물도 아니고, 변화에 가장 잘 반응하는 생물이다. →It is not the strongest of the species, nor the most intelligent, or the one most responsive to change that survives to the end. 

문 13. 어법상 옳은 것은? ① Jessica is a much careless person who makes little effort to improve her knowledge. ② But he will come or not is not certain. ③ The police demanded that she not leave the country for the time being. ④ The more a hotel is expensiver, the better its service is. 

문 18. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳은 것은? 

①As the old saying go, you are what you eat. The foods you eat ②obvious affect your body's performance. They may also influence how your brain handles tasks. If your brain handles them well, you think more clearly, and you are more emotionally stable. The right food can ③ help you being concentrated, keep you motivated, sharpen your memory, speed your reaction time, reduce stress, and perhaps ④even prevent your brain from aging. 

문 5. 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? ① The main reason I stopped smoking was that all my friends had already stopped smoking. ② That a husband understands a wife does not mean they are necessarily compatible. ③ The package, having wrong addressed, reached him late and damaged. ④ She wants her husband to buy two dozen of eggs on his way home. 

문 6. 어법상 옳은 것은? ① China's imports of Russian oil skyrocketed by 36 percent in 2014. ② Sleeping has long been tied to improve memory among humans. ③ Last night, she nearly escaped from running over by a car. ④ The failure is reminiscent of the problems surrounded the causes of the fatal space shuttle disasters. 

문 17. ① 가능한 모든 일자리를 알아보았음에도 불구하고, 그는 적당한 일자리를 찾지 못했다. →Despite searching for every job opening possible, he could not find a suitable job. ② 당신이 누군가를 믿을 수 있는지 알아보는 최선책은 그 사람을 믿는 것이다. →The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust that person. ③ 미각의 민감성은 개인의 음식 섭취와 체중에 크게 영향을 미친다 . →Taste sensitivity is largely influenced by food intake and body weight of individuals. ④ 부모는 그들의 자녀가 성장하고 학습하는 데 알맞은 환경을 제공할 책임이 있다. →Parents are responsible for providing the right environment for their children to grow and learn in. 

문 18. ① 그는 자신의 정적들을 투옥시켰다. →He had his political enemies imprisoned. ② 경제적 자유 가 없다면 진정한 자유가 있을 수 없다. →There can be no true liberty unless there is economic liberty. ③ 나는 가능하면 빨리 당신과 거래할 수 있기를 바란다. →I look forward to doing business with you as soon as possible. ④ 30년 전 고향을 떠날 때, 그는 다시는 고향을 못 볼 거라고 꿈에도 생각지 않았다. →When he left his hometown thirty years ago, little does he dream that he could never see it again. 

문 5. 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것은? ① 그녀는 등산은 말할 것도 없고 , 야외에 나가는 것을 좋아하 지 않는다 . → She does not like going outdoor, not to mention mountain climbing. ② 그녀는 학급에서 가장 예쁜 소녀이다. → She is more beautiful than any other girl in the class. ③ 그 나라는 국토의 3/4이 바다로 둘러싸여 있는 소국이다. → The country is a small one with the three quarters of the land surrounding by the sea. ④ 많은 학생들이 졸업 후 취직을 위해 열심히 공부한다. → A number of students are studying very hard to get a job after their graduation. 

문 8. 어법상 옳은 것은? ① While worked at a hospital, she saw her first air show. ② However weary you may be, you must do the project. ③ One of the exciting games I saw were the World Cup final in 2010. ④ It was the main entrance for that she was looking. 

문 9. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳은 것은? 

Compared to newspapers, magazines are not necessarily up-to-the-minute, since they do not appear every day, but weekly, monthly, or even less frequently. Even externally they are different from newspapers, mainly because magazines ①resemble like a book. The paper is thicker, photos are more colorful, and most of the articles are relatively long. The reader experiences much more background information and greater detail. There are also weekly news magazines, ②which reports on a number of topics, but most of the magazines are specialized to attract various consumers. For example, there are ③women's magazines cover 

fashion, cosmetics, and recipes as well as youth magazines about celebrities. Other magazines are directed toward, for example, computer users, sports fans, ④those interested in the arts, and many other small groups. 

문 5. 어법상 옳은 것은? ① Few living things are linked together as intimately than bees and flowers. ② My father would not company us to the place where they were staying, but insisted on me going. ③ The situation in Iraq looked so serious that it seemed as if the Third World War might break out at any time. ④ According to a recent report, the number of sugar that Americans consume does not vary significantly from year to year. 

문 6. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? 

Noise pollution ①is different from other forms of pollution in ②a number of ways. Noise is transient: once the pollution stops, the environment is free of it. This is not the case with air pollution, for example. We can measure the amount of chemicals ③ introduced into the air, ④whereas is extremely difficult to monitor cumulative exposure to noise. 

문 7. 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것은? ① 나이가 들어가면 들어갈수록 그만큼 더 외국어 공부하기가 어려워진다. → The older you grow, the more difficult it becomes to learn a foreign language. ② 우리가 가지고 있는 학식이란 기껏해야 우리가 모르고 있는 것과 비교할 때 지극히 작은 것이다. → The learning and knowledge that we have is at the least but little compared with that of which we are ignorant. ③ 인생의 비밀은 좋아하는 것을 하는 것이 아니라 해야 할 것을 좋아하도록 시도하는 것이다. → The secret of life is not to do what one likes, but to try to like what one has to do. ④ 이 세상에서 당신이 소 유하고 있는 것은 당신이 죽을 때 다른 누군가에게 가지만, 당신의 인격은 영원히 당신의 것일 것이다. → What you possess in this world will go to someone else when you die, but your personality will be yours forever. 

문 8. 우리말을 영어로 옮긴 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① 그들이 10년간 살았던 집이 폭풍에 심하게 손 상되었다. → The house which they have lived for 10 years badly damaged by the storm. ② 수학 시험에 실패했을 때에서야 그는 공부를 열심히 하기로 결심했다. → It was not until when he failed the math test that he decided to study hard. ③ 냉장고에 먹을 것이 하나도 남아있지 않아서, 어젯밤에 우리는 외식을 해야 했다. → We had nothing to eat left in the refrigerator, we had to eat out last night. ④ 우리는 운이 좋게도 그랜드캐넌을 방문했는데, 거기에는 경치가 아름다운 곳이 많다. → We were enough fortunate to visit the Grand Canyon, that has much beautiful landscape. 

문 5. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? 

A man who ①shoplifted from the Woolworth's store in Shanton in 1952 recently sent the shop an anonymous letter of apology. In it, he said, "I ②have been guilt-ridden all these days." The item he ③stole was a two dollar toy. He enclosed a money order ④paid back the two dollars with interest. 

문 6. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 것은? ① She felt that she was good swimmer as he was, if not better. ② This phenomenon has described so often as to need no further clichés on the subject. ③ What surprised us 

most was the fact that he said that he had hardly never arrived at work late. ④ Even before Mr. Kay announced his movement to another company, the manager insisted that we begin advertising for a new accountant. 

※ 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것을 고르시오. [문 7~문 8] 문 7. ① 어제 눈이 많이 와서 많은 사람들이 길에서 미끄러졌다. → We had much snow yesterday, which caused lots of people slip on the road. ② 그 협정들은 작년 회의에서 합의된 것이다. → The arrangements were agreed on at the meeting last year. ③ 나는 트럭이 가까이 다가오는 것을 보고 겁에 질렸다. → I got scared when I saw the truck closing up on me. ④ 나는 뒤돌아보지 않고 앞문으로 걸어 나갔다. → I walked out of the front door without looking back. 

문 8. ① 예산이 빡빡해서 나는 15달러밖에 쓸 수가 없다. → I am on a tight budget so that I have only fifteen dollars to spend. ② 그의 최근 영화는 이전 작품들보다 훨씬 더 지루하다. → His latest film is far more boring than his previous ones. ③ 우리 회사 모든 구성원의 이름을 기억하다니 그는 생각이 깊군 요 . → It's thoughtful of him to remember the names of every member in our firm. ④ 현관 열쇠를 잃어 버려서 안으로 들어가기 위해 나는 벽돌로 유리창을 깼다. → I'd lost my front door key, and I had to smash a window by a brick to get in. 

문 5. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? 

The Aztecs believed that chocolate ① made people intelligent. Today, we do not believe this. But chocolate has a special chemical ②calling phenylethylamine. This is the same chemical ③the body makes when a person is in love. Which do you prefer-④eating chocolate or being in love? 

문 6. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 것은? ① She objects to be asked out by people at work. ② I have no idea where is the nearest bank around here. ③ Tom, one of my best friends, were born in April 4th, 1985. ④ Had they followed my order, they would not have been punished. 

문 7. 다음 중 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것은? ① 그는 결코 당신을 속일 사람이 아니다. → He is the last person to deceive you. ② 그는 주먹다짐을 할 바에야 타협하는 것이 낫다고 생각한다. → He would much rather make a compromise than fight with his fists. ③ 프레스코는 이태리 교회의 익숙한 요소이기 때문에 이것을 당연하게 생각하기 쉽다. → Frescoes are so familiar a feature of Italian churches that they are easy to take it for granted. ④ 그는 대학에 다니지 않았지만 아는 것이 아주 많은 사람이다. → Even though he didn't go to college, he is a very knowledgeable man. 

문 8. 다음 중 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것은? ① 시간이 부족해서 시험을 끝낼 수 없었다. → I couldn't finish the exam because I ran out of time. ② 습관을 깨기란 예상보다 훨씬 어렵다. → It is much more difficult than you'd expect to break a habit. ③ 대부분의 사람들은 TV에서 지나친 폭력을 매우 싫어 한다. → Most people have a strong dislike to excessive violence on TV. ④ 낮에는 너무 바빠 걱정할 틈도 없고, 밤에는 너무 피곤해서 깨어있을 수 없는 사람은 복 받은 사람이다. → Blessed is the man who is too busy to worry in the day and too tired of lying awake at night. 

문 1. 다음 우리말을 영어로 옮긴 것으로 가장 옳은 것은? 

우리가 작년에 그 아파트를 구입했었더라면 얼마나 좋을까. 

① I wish we purchased the apartment last year. ② I wished we purchased the apartment last year. 

③ I wish we had purchased the apartment last year. ④ I wished we had purchased the apartment last year. 

문 10. 

I ①looked forward to this visit more than one ②would think, ③considered I was flying seven hundred miles to sit alongside a ④dying man. But I seemed to slip into a time warp when I visited Morrie, and I liked myself better when I was there. 

문 11. 

New York's Christmas is featured in many movies ① while this time of year, ② which means that this holiday is the most romantic and special in the Big Apple. ③ The colder it gets, the brighter the city becomes ④with colorful lights and decorations. 

문 12. 다음 우리말을 영어로 옮긴 것으로 옳지 않은 것은? ① 영어를 배우는 것은 결코 쉬운 일은 아니 다. → It is by no means easy to learn English. ② 비록 가난하지만 그녀는 정직하고 부지런하다. → Poor as she is, she is honest and diligent. ③ 사업에서 신용만큼 중요한 것은 없다. → Everything in business is so important as credit. ④ 그 남자뿐만 아니라 너도 그 실패에 책임이 있다. → You as well as he are responsible for the failure. 

문 1. ① 그에게서는 악취가 난다. → He smells badly. ② 그녀는 혼자 사는 데 익숙하다. → She is used to living alone. ③ 그녀는 밤에 외출하는 것을 겁낸다. → She is afraid of going out at night. ④ 중요한 것은 사람됨이지 재산이 아니다. → The important thing is not what you have but what you are. 

문 2. ① 그가 조만간 승진할 것이란 소문이 있다. → The rumor says he will be promoted sooner or later. ② 음주 운전하는 것은 어리석은 짓이라는 것을 알았다. → I found it stupid to drive under the influence. ③ 우리는 폭풍우 때문에 야구를 하지 못했다. → The heavy rain prevented us from playing baseball. ④ 내 기억에는 그가 나에게 그런 뻔뻔스러운 거짓말을 한 적이 없다. → I don't remember for him to tell me such a direct lie. 

문 10. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? 

①In the mid 1990s, ②it was estimated that 9 million Americans ③were planning a summer vacation alone. Since then, the number of solo travelers ④have increased.  

문 11. 다음 문장 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? ① He is leaving for China next Friday. ② The weather has been nasty for half a month. ③ I have not walked a mile before it began to rain. ④ I will have read this book four times if I read it once again. 


enough 에 대해 알기

Image result for enough

충분히’(as much as we need or want’)라는 뜻을 갖는 enough

한정사, 대명사, 부사로 쓰일 수 있어요. 이를 각각 알아보기 전에

enough 하면 암기하는

명사를 수식하면 명사 앞에 (한정사)

형용사와 부사를 수식하면  형용사, 부사 다음에 (부사) = 형용사/부사 + enough to ~

1.     우선 한정사로서 enough

한정사니까 명사 앞에 써야하겠죠?

Do you have enough money to pay for your train fare and taxis?

There was enough food for about ten people.

We just have three eggs for a week. We don’t have enough eggs.


※그런데 enough가 명사를 직접 꾸며주는 게 아니라 다른 한정사(the, my, her)나 대명사(us, them)을 꾸며줄 때에는 of를 써서 꾸며줘요. enough of

You haven’t eaten enough of your dinner, Jason.

Not: You haven’t eaten enough your dinner, Jason.

There weren’t enough of them.

Not: There weren’t enough them.


2.     대명사


식사 끝 무렵,

A: Have you had enough?        

B: Yes, thanks. That was delicious.

위 예문처럼 식사 충분히 드셨나요?’ 할 때 enoughmeal을 대신해요.

I need to go and get some more chairs. There aren’t enough here. (enough= chairs)


3.     부사    

A: Are you ready for your exam?

B: Yes, I think I’ve studied enough. That’s all I can do.

Is this box big enough for all those books?

Not: Is this box enough big …

We won’t be rich if we don’t work hard enough.

She’s not old enough to work in the factory.

Strangely enough, no one seemed to notice that Boris was in his pyjamas. (It is/was strange that no one …)

You're old enough to know better.  너는 이제 철들 나이가 됐다.

cf. a+ 형용사 enough + 명사

I think that putting them in jail is a severe enough punishment.

 내가 생각하기에. 그들을 감옥에 넣는 것은 충분히 심각한 처벌이야.

*enough가 쓰인 여러가지 표현 

can't ~ enough/too = can't over 동사 (아무리 ~해도 지나치지 않다.)

ex) I can't thank you enough. = I don't know how to thank you. (나는 너한테 어떻게 감사할지 모르겠어. '엄청 고맙다'는 뜻)

enough!!                 충분하니까 그만 해라

enough is enough     이제 그만 됐어!.

fair enough              (생각이나 제안이) 괜찮다[좋다]


문1.  A: I hope my parents don't miss the beginning of the performance. B: I think they'll _______________ to see it.

 enough early arrive ② enough arrive early ③ arrive enough early ④ arrive early enough ⑤ early enough arrive


10.  Water particles ①carried to ②a great height freeze into ice particles and ③are swept upward and ④refrozen repeatedly until they are ⑤enough heavy to fall as hail.

문1.   ④ 부사 +enough
문10.  ⑤ 형용사 + enough (heavy enough)


By vs. until / till

Image result for by till

우선 스펠링 주의 until 은 L이 한 개.

by  어떤 시간까지 기한, 한계, 완료

util/till (  바꿔서   있어요- 다만 until 조금  선호기간의 계속을 나타내요.

그런데 이렇게만 해서는 도통 어떻게 구분하는지 감이 안 오죠?

사실 이렇게 의미상 구분짓는 것은  by, until 자체보다는 동사에 있는 경우가 많아요.

동사가 계속적 의미를 가질 경우 until, 그렇지 않을 경우 by.

국회직 문제를 보면서 이해해 볼게요.

7. 다음 세 문장의 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말이 순서대로 짝지어진 것을 고르시오.[13국회직9]

A. We must read the next chapter _________ tomorrow. 

B. We stayed at the bar ________ 4:00 AM. 

C. It's been raining on and off ________ last Sunday.

 by - by - since ② till - till - since ③ till - by - from ④ by - till - from ⑤ by - till – since

A의 경우 '읽는다'할 때는 어디어디까지 쪽수가 정해져 있죠? 그래서 by

B는 stay라는 동사 자체가 유지하다라는 뜻이 있잖아요? 그래서 계속을 나타내는 until

C 알아서..

그래서 정답은 5번.

※추가 예문

I'll be back by 7 o'clock.

시까지는 나는 돌아올 것이다.. 

I'll have gotten my degree in English by next year. => I have my English degree when the next year comes. 

내년에는 영어 학위를 받을 것이다.

Alan came yesterday. He will stay with us until the weekend.

엘렌은 어제 왔고그는 우리와 함께  주를 계속 머무를 것이다.

※그리고 until, till 뒤에는 절이 올 수 있음.

 We cannot trust them _______ the war is over.

 I need to turn in my homework ______ Monday.

정답: until, by

※그런데 by until 사용이 가능할 때가 있어요. 이때는 어떻게 달라질까요?

다음 예문을 보면서 확인해 볼게요.

He has bad fever. He needs to be in bed until 10 o'clock.
그는 심한 열이 있었다. 그는 10시까지 침대에 있을 필요가 있다. (이미 침대에 누워 있었다는 의미를 내포)

He has bad fever. He needs to be in bed by 10 o'clock.

그는 심한 열이 있었다. 그는 10시까지 침대에 있을 필요가 있다.(지금 침대에 있지는 않지만, 건강을 회복하기 위해 10시까지는 침대에 있어야 한다는 의미)




‘To’ or ‘too’?-too 를 중심으로


to  too  차이


to 전시사와 부정사 to  나뉠  있죠

여기서는 전치사 to 비교할 꺼에요


전치사 to

1.     (방향)~으로                          We took the train to London.

2.     동사구 부분으로서 to            I would like to see you soon.


too 쓰임새- (의미평균보다 이상을 강조할 

1.     (형용사와 부사 바로 앞에서 보통보다 이상 나타낼 너무   

      You’re driving too fast.

This coffee is too sweet.

Not: This coffee is too much sweet. (중간에 much 같은 것을 넣지 못함)

It happened too quickly, so I just didn’t see it.

Not: It happened too much quickly.


2.   명사를 강조할  (too much/many/few/little + 명사) - 1.번과 차이는 뒤에 오는 품사의 차이

  Too much, too many, too few and too little

There’s too much salt in this soup. (too much +   없는 명사)

There were too many dogs on the beach. (too many +   있는 명사)

I don’t like this book because there are too few pictures in it. (too few +   있는 명사) -( 형식적 표현)

 = I don’t like this book because there aren’t enough pictures in it.

The trip was cancelled because there was too little interest in it. (too little +   없는 명사)

3.     too 형용사/부사 + to부정사

The water was too cold to swim in.

Two hours is too long to wait.

Much too and far too

too 강조하기 위해 much  far 수식

far too much too 보다 강한 표현!



4.     또한(also, as well) – also보다 격식을 차리지 않는 말에서 자주 쓰임문장 끝에 위치

I would like some dinner too.

Catherine decided to join us for dinner, and her husband came along too. (or, more formal, … and her husband also came along.)

 다만, 형식적인 상황에서, 주어 다음에 too를 사용하기도 해요.

 You too could have a week in the sun. Visit www.holidaysforyou.com.

Cf.  마직막으로 유감을 나타내는 표현  too bad or  that’s too bad 


too 와  very 의 의미상 차이?

very 마찬가지로 형용사와 부사를 강조

그러나 의미상 차이 -이러한 의미차이 때문에 수식이 가능한 경우도 있고 수식이 불가능한 경우도 발생!

She is very careful.     그녀는 매우 조심성 있는 사람이다.(조심성이 강한 사람)

She is too careful.       그녀는 너무 조심성 있는 사람이다. (필요 이상으로 조심성이 있는 사람

cf. She was very beautiful. 

Not: She was too beautiful.  (필요 이상으로 아름답다?????)

very much 와 too much

 like, dislike, hope, doubt. 와 같은 동사를 강조하기 위해 very much를 사용. 그러나 too much는 사용 못함.

I like it very much because I got it from my husband.

Not: I like it too much … (필요 이상으로 좋아한다????)

I doubt very much that Ronan will be able to come to the party.

Not: I doubt too much that …

참고: 캠브리지 영영사전


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