have yet to do                                                 아직 ~하지 않다
measure / theoretically                                         측정하다/이론적으로
a fact of life / excel                                            어쩔 수 없는 현실 / 뛰어나다, 탁월하다
eulogy / euphoria                                              찬사 /행복감, 희열
excessive /diminish                                             과도한 /줄이다, 줄어들다, 약해지다
several /severe                                                 몇몇의 / 심각한
spoiled child /missing child                                      버릇없는 아이 /실종된 아이
alleviate / distract                                               완화하다/ 산만하게 하다, (주의를) 딴 데로 돌리다

never fail to                                                     반드시 ~하다

streamline                                                      유선형으로 하다; 간소화[능률화]하다

let alone  = not to mention                                     ~ 은 말할 것도 없이

load                                                           짐, 직업량, 싣다, 적재하다(적재되다)

first aid                                                        응급 처치

aid                                                            도움, 원조

lend                                                            빌려주다
 I've lent the car to a friend.
Can you lend me your car this evening?
borrow                                                         빌리다, 차용하다
She borrowed £2000 from her parents.
Can I borrow your umbrella?
bring                                                            가져오다, 가져다 주다
Don't forget to bring your books with you. 
His writing brings him $10000 a year.


be up and about[around] 

침상[병상]에서 (다시) 일어나 걸어다닐 수 있게 되다, (환자가) 좋아지다

The patient was up and about.

delve into something  (더 많은 것을 알아내기 위해) ~을 캐다

She had started to delve into her father's distant past. 

그녀가 아버지의 먼 과거를 캐기 시작한 참이었다.

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