flip burger
※ flip :뒤집다
1. 햄버거를 뒤집는 것: (파트타임으로) 햄버거를 굽다
I spend all day flipping burgers, so I'm never in the mood to eat them when I'm not at work.
나는 하루 종일 햄버거를 꾸면서 시간을 보냈어ㅜㅜ,그래서 내가 일할 때는 그거 처다도 보기 싫어!(먹을 기분이 아니다)
Joe's out back flipping some burgers on the grill. If you're hungry, I can tell him to throw another one on.
조는 그릴에 햄버거를 꾸다 왔어. 니가 배고 프면, 내가 그에게 햄버거 하나 좀 던져 달라고 말할게
2. (비유적 의미) 비전이 없는 곳에서 일하다
I know you need cash, but I think you should focus your energy on finding a solid job rather than picking up a few bucks flipping burgers.
나는 니가 돈 필요한 거 알아, 그런데 나 말이지, 니가 니 에너지를 쫌 건실한 직장을 찾는데 집중했으면 좋겠어. 걍 대충 아무 비전 없는 곳에서 푼돈이나 쥐려고 하지 말고.
A lot of people look down on flipping burgers, but that's where I started, and I've worked my way up to regional manager.
많은 사람은 비전 없는 곳에서 일하는 걸 멸시하지, 그런데 그게 내가 시작했던 곳이야, 그리고 나는 지역 매니저로 나아가고 있어.
영영사전 정의
1. Literally, to cook hamburgers, typically but not always as part of one's job at a at a fast food restaurant. (Cooking hamburgers often includes flipping them on a grill or flat top to ensure each side is cooked.)
2. By extension, to work at a job that is low-paying, monotonous, has few opportunities for advancement, and is below one's potential. If the phrase refers to a hypothetical job, it does not have to be limited to fast food. However, this phrase is not usually applied to one's actual job if that job does not involve fast food or literally cooking hamburgers.
flipping burgers
cooking hamburger patties in a fast food restaurant as an occupation that school drop outs end up doing. (An occupation that offers practically no opportunities for advancement.) Do you want to spend the rest of your life flipping burgers! Do your damn homework!
<출처: thefreedictionary>
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