2018 지방 9급 영어-B.pdf

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2018년도 지방공무원 9급 임용 필기시험 정답가안.pdf

난이도: 평이

독해가 길어 시간 압박

그러나 아직도 정답은 쉽게 찾을 수 있다.

그 외 단어, 문법은 지엽적인 것보다는 중요한 것 위주로 나옴.

최근 시험 경향인 듯.

문법출제: 시제수일치조동사타동사도치비교급동사 구문분사관계대명사

동사에 대해서만 잘 알아도 거의 다 맞출 수 있다.

확인할 문장

6) The student who finds the state-of-the-art approach intimidating learns less than he or she might have learned by the old methods.

9) At the top, as we have seen, was the scalco, or steward, who was in charge of not only the kitchen, but also the dining room.

10) That's what piques the curiosity of advisers and sponsors.

But how hard they go to bat for you, how far they stick their necks out for you, depends on that you have to offer.

It just requires you to be an expert at something.

12) my sentences and descriptive gestures got so confusing that I communicated nothing more than a very convincing version of a human tornado. In an effort to curb my distracting explanation, the proctor led me to an empty seat and put a test booklet in front of me.

15) Even if they have a lot in their head, they have found a method that the many commitments don't impede each other, but instead they are brought into a good inner order.

Separate off disturbances, for example, by escaping into another office, and not allowing any distractions to get in the way. When you concentrate on the one task of your priorities, you will find you have energy what you didn't even know you had.

16) the number of fish reaches at a predictable level of abundance and stayes there.

we must be careful not to reduce the population below the ideal point which it can replace all of the fish we take out each year.

17) no event in human history was likely ever seen by a larger global audience than the 9/11 attacks.

18) the scientific establishment weighed in.

19) If neither surrendered, the two exchanged blows until one was knocked out.

The ancient Olympic events were designed to eliminate the weak and glorify the strong.

Anything else was considered fair play.

20) He solves one problem, and the result is not that he is more secure or certain, but that ten other new problems open up in place of the single solved one.     

Do you think these latest changes will do any good? 

중요 단어:

do no harm 해가 되지 않다                                           do good 도움이 되다이롭다

do wrong 나쁜 짓을 하다

stick one's neck out     위험을 무릅쓰다; 위험을 자초하다

ex)  Lee stuck his neck out to make the law pass through. 

go to bat for someone     …을 변호하다; 지지하다; 돕다; …을 지지하다(야구의 핀치 히터를 말하는 용어에서)

ex) I tried to go to bat for Bill, but he said he didn't want any help. 

weigh in (with something)     (논의·언쟁·활동 등에) 끼어들다[관여하다]/거들다

ex) We all weighed in with our suggestions. 

우리는 모두 제안을 하며 거들었다.

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